eBay Vent/Head's up for sellers

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
I've been buying and selling on ebay for about 12 years. Nothing special, just the usual flea market stuff like ebay was started for. It's changed, of course, over the years.

Lately I've had two experiences as a seller that took me by surprise. The first was a buyer who purchased $2.99 buttons. I offered free shipping, but if the buyer wanted extra, such as delivery confirmation or insurance, he had to purchase them. Buyer did not pay until I filed a case against him and did not opt for the extras. Then the buyer says he never got the buttons and wants a refund. I provide postal proof of shipping and say "sorry, you did not opt for the extras". He files a case against me with ebay and ebay takes the "refund" out of my paypal.

Now I find that this is what ebay always does--sides against the seller no matter what. Even sellers who have delivery confirmation tracking are not safe; they lose every time in a dispute.

This short sighted policy is going to cost everyone. Buyers will have to pay more shipping fees, as sellers try to protect themselves. Sellers, like me who are occasional, will leave the ebay market in disgust and frustration.

It would never occur to me to demand a refund for an item I purchased that didn't arrive when the seller could provide proof it had been mailed in good faith. How can the seller be responsible for vagaries of the postal system?!

My other frustrating transaction was a return after the stated 14 days. Even though it was a month, I had to refund the $150 to the buyer who didn't like the item after all.

Sellers, beware!

Buyers, prepare! It's going to cost a lot more to buy as sellers try to defend themselves.
I used to sell on Ebay but stopped when they made so many changes to their policies like sellers not being able to give feedback about buyers. I've heard many stories like yours unfortunately. I never did run into a problem buyer but it's not worth the aggravation to me. So sorry you had these problems.
I used to sell on eBay but closed my account when they bought Paypal and made you use it for every transaction. This was before the policy about not giving feedback to buyers.. this is new to me. I can't believe that one! There are times I would like to have an account still, but then I read about the Paypal issues people have and I know I just don't want to deal with that. I've heard stories of people filing fake claims to eBay and getting their money back from the seller, when there are witnesses that the people have received the product and love it. I did hear that eBay was trying to become more "buyer friendly" but if that means the sellers have to suffer, is that good business? I'm sorry you had the issues you did, but from what I hear, its becoming more of a common thing.
On another forum I am a member of, a lady this Spring sold a saddle for $1200. The buyer got the saddle, and then complained to Ebay that the stirrups were too short or something like that. The seller was forced to refund the money..Ebay took it. Buyer ended up with the saddle AND the money. Seller totally ripped off. They will not return her calls etc., and have put a freeze on her PP account etc. Yes, Ebay is definitley a HAVEN for Scam Artists now for sure!!
Mona, how awful!!! And the seller can't even warn other sellers through feedback. Ebay used to be really great but it's changed.
I used to sell on Ebay but stopped when they made so many changes to their policies like sellers not being able to give feedback about buyers.
They must have changed that. I just sold two items last week and got a buyer feedback link.
They must have changed that. I just sold two items last week and got a buyer feedback link.
Technically... Its sellers can NOT leave negative feedback for buyers, you can leave all the positive feedback you want.
I've heard so many stories like this, from so many people. I never did get into selling on eBay and never will now, from everything I have heard about the problems sellers have had it just isn't "safe" any more.
I continue to sell on eBay because it continues to be cheaper than selling at auction, but the stories of buyers abusing eBay's one-sided system are snowballing, and I do know many people that have left the site. Two years ago I had a buyer claim they didn't receive an item that delivery confirmation proved had been received, and of course eBay sided with them and forced a refund. Just this week I had one of the biggest outrages yet. A buyer sent me a message saying they were thrilled with the transaction but would leave me negative feedback unless I immediately left them positive feedback. Well I'd had to use the resolution center to get them to pay, and after a threat like that was obviously not going to relent and give them positive feedback. I notified eBay of the threat over the weekend and received no response. Then yesterday the buyer held true to their word and left me negative feedback - saying I was non-communicative and rating me an F- despite the fact that I had an email from them saying they were happy with their purchase. I contacted eBay again but as of tonight they've done nothing about it. 500+ feedback and somehow that single, unmerited negative has dropped my positive feedback percentage to 99%! I do feel very vulnerable whenever I sell a big ticket item, and we are already exploring other avenues for our sales. Anyone reading this that wants to buy can do so with confidence, as you can very easily force a refund through eBay/Paypal without having to prove anything on your end, but selling has become a nightmare.
Ozymandias, I should have clarified that and thanks Chanda for doing so. I always read feedback both negative and positive because it gave me a better idea of the person I was dealing with. If you can't leave negative feedback for your buyer (only positive), you're not getting a true picture in some cases. Ebays changes have made selling much more difficult than in the good old days. It used to be a wonderful place to sell used tack and make some money back.
I agree MountainWoman. Being in the antiques trade years ago, we were one of the first to buy and sell on ebay. In those days, it was not filled with millions of cheap, China-made goods, but genuine used or antique items. We would never hear of scam artists, who knew how to get the goods and the money. Things changed over the years and we stopped buying or selling there. Too bad really. I have some greatly treasured items, which I purchased from sellers there, in years past.

I think many former Ebayers, now sell on CraigsList. Not that there haven't been some dreadful happenings there also. If you do buy from CL, always take someone with you, if visiting the home of a seller. One cannot be too careful these days.

I sell on EBAY and have done so for 8 yrs as a Top rated seller. I sold a purse with measurements provided and 10 pics. It sold for a whopping 12.00 and the buyer left a neg FB cause she said the pics were deceiving? WTH...she was fairly new to EBAY and I think she did it out of meaness to drag down my FB score. Another lady bought my artist easel and I shipped to her work addy.(confirmed to be the Police dept.) She came to work 4 days later and claimed it had slight damage (broken drawer and she said she could fix it) I needed pics to file with UPS and she refused to show me damages and filed a INAD against me. They froze my PP acct. She sent the item back to me completely destroyed so I filed with our local sheriff a complaint against her as EBAY said I would have to for damages. I got my money back but it took 6 wks to do this...def not in the sellers best interest to sell on their anymore. P.S. the buyer was also a member of Marylands finest police dept. so I guess she figured I would not pursue her....wrong! You also need to know that return policies mean nothing. A buyer has up to 45 days to return an item so no matter what you say about no returns does not make any diff to EBAY. They can and will freeze your acct. if they feel it is necessary. Also you cannot tell buyers they need to pay extra for delivery confirmation or insurance it is against EBAY policy to tell a buyer this YOU as the seller have to include it in the shipping charges. Just another fun fact about EBAY!
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Also you cannot tell buyers they need to pay extra for delivery confirmation or insurance it is against EBAY policy to tell a buyer this YOU as the seller have to include it in the shipping charges. Just another fun fact about EBAY!
Not to mention eBay's commission now comes out of the combined selling AND shipping cost.
I'm with ya Mary Lou! I was going to list some Thomas the Train toys that are my sons but thats too scary!
I sell on ebay. I would NEVER recommend ebay to anyone that is thinking of selling. I have had 2 problems. The first was some Barbie stuff. A woman bid on and won the auction on one item and had a bid on another. I contacted the buyer and asked her if she wanted to wait to pay for her item until the other auction ended so we could combine shipping if she won the second auction to save her some money. She said yes she wanted to do that. I didn't have to do this. I offered the savings. The next thing I knew she canceled the second bid saying I would not respond to her questions. WHAT????? Besides, aren't you supposed to ask questions BEFORE you bid? She had not asked me any questions and I HAD contacted her. It didn't matter. Ebay did not ask me at all. They just canceled the bid.

The second one was a silver punch bowl that I had a buy it now or best offer on. A buyer sent me an offer and I accepted. She then sent me a message that said "Sorry I am not paying for it" . I could not leave neg feedback fr her. I couldn't even put NON PAYER! No one will know she didn't pay. I ended up with final value fees on that item. It took about 2 weeks of calling every day to get the final value fees reversed.
I have bought and sold on eBay, not much, but an item here and there over the years. Most of the time it is fine, but i had an unbelievable experience as a buyer. I bought some boots from a lady - supposed to be a size 9. They arrived and were a size 5! I couldn't get my big toe in them, I mean, it was not even in the ballpark. I gave the benefit of the doubt that it was just a typo or mistake on her side. I returned them and she refused to give me my money back as she said I wore them around. Those boots came out of the box, were set on my clean kitchen floor for about a minute and then went back in the box - no way I could wear them around as they were like 4 sizes too small. This was years ago before eBays current policy, I got my money back because I had paid via credit card and got my refund that way. Anyway, her behavior was just weird and kinda soured me on buying on eBay even though I did get my money back.

I too have just switched to craigslist which is too bad because eBay is such a big market place and I have found great stuff on there and sold some good stuff too.

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