If you do a sreach on this fourm you'll find all kinds of posts on dwarfs. Sighs of it ect.
I had one born this spring... Hobbit we had him put down, because his health was not good.
I guess it's pretty hard to tell sometimes where it comes from... some say both have to carry the gene ,but I've had others say only one has to ..and some say that any minaiture can produce a dwarf. And if you breed minaitures your going to have a dwarf sooner or later. Not everyone who has a dwarf born on thier farm will say so...
I guess I belive any minaiture can JOHO. The 2 horses that produced a dwarf for me and both very nice top bloodlines and have been shown and placed very well. I'm still not sure where it came from.
It is a very hot topic...what to do if a horse porduces a dwarf.... I'm still undecided.