I second the "no Quest" for Miniatures rule.
I'm also an Ivermectin user.
We had a vet here a couple weeks ago--not our regular vet, but still a good vet--and he said ivermectin does not get round worms from foals. He said we must use Strongid-P on our foals, twice, and then after that the Ivermectin is good for them.
Well, we've always used Eqvalan for our foals, and we've always gotten round worms out of them, but hey, we're willing to change our ways if we're wrong. Most of the foals had been dewormed just 3 weeks earlier, with Eqvalan, but on his advice we dosed them all with Strongid-P. Didn't find one single roundworm afterward...the youngest colt hadn't been dewormed prior to that, and even he did not pass one single worm that I could find. I find it hard to believe that he didn't have at least a couple ascarids....so when I go out later I'm now going to give him a dose of Eqvalan, and I'll betcha tomorrow he'll pass a couple ascarids.
If I'm right, we won't be buying Strongid-P again.
So, everyone has their own ideas about deworming. For us, the ivermectin works well, and we'll continue to use it.