[SIZE=14pt]We made Doofus history.
This month we have an Honorary Mention as well as our Doofus Winner for the month of September.
You're going to love these I am sure. Please congratulate these ladies!
[SIZE=14pt]OUR DOOFUS WINNER IS known here as "dontworrybeappy"....Karen[/SIZE]
For 3 weeks before Nationals I was searching for the "perfect" 90 second music for Appy's Liberty class... finally found an obscure little instrumental song by an obscure composer and bought the song online. So now I could play it on my ipod, but not copy it to a CD or edit it down to 90 seconds. My techno-weenie hubby tried too and we couldn't even find a CD or album anywhere to copy. Finally in desperation I bought the whole album online in the hope that I'd be able to burn it to CD... THAT finally worked and I had the "perfect" edit ready for Nationals, just days before I was due to leave!
I made 3 or 4 copies with a specially designed label, with space for Appy's number... his photo, name, the class number and name already printed on it. Was so excited about getting it all done that I turned it in to the office 4 days early. We bought new shaker bottles and new lunge whips for liberty and got psyched up for our last class at Nationals!
Before the class, went and strapped on all the girdles and warm show jackets, getting nervous about everything! When we got to the entry paddock they said there was a problem - they couldn't tell which CD was mine... I said it was the one with his photo, number, name, etc printed on the label. So they were OK.
So we get all excited and RUN into the ring - only to be told the CD was cracked now. After all I went through for the music, I said I'd go get an extra copy out of the car. So we left the ring. They were going to move us to last. I ran to the car, and ran back (as best as a fat lady can, that is!)
Knowing that it's hard to keep Appy up and excited, and we SO wanted people to see his big trot, Joel went to bat for us and got us in sooner than the end of the order... so in we RAN again! The music started, I let Appy go only to here "DQ - PUSHOFF" and the music stopped (so people heard maybe 10 seconds of the music I went through all that effort for!) I didn't think I'd pushed him - but if it looked like that, them's the rules! Appy of course, stopped moving as soon as the music stopped, so we met him at the outgate and left. I went back to the hotel and collapsed.... all that anxiety and effort and I blew it.
Yesterday, Flanders sent me the DVD of the class - and with much trepidation, I watched it! Yes, indeed - I DID touch him after the halter was off - so we were legitimately disqualified after all that work, and it was all my fault! I slowed down the playback and zoomed in to see, because I certainly never MEANT to push him off, I do know the rules!
Turns out it looks more like I lost my balance when letting him go and put my hand on his neck to catch myself! So I "SINGLEHANDEDLY" ruined our chances after ALL those weeks of preparation just by being a tired old lady all out of balance!
I said at the time, and I still believe it now, embarrassed as I am - better to be disqualified because I made a fool of myself than because Appy didn't show off the way we KNOW he can!
- Karen Malcor-Chapman--------------------
As we all know Monette went out to Sea Horse Farms to try to help Ann Simmons with a lot of supplies. Well, seems Monette did a doofy thing too in all her efforts. Trying to make the best of a sad situation and finding a little humor along the way, Monette made quite a blooper. Her friend and forum member Karin-NaKar Miniatures blew the whistle to me on her.
As you know, she was instrumental in getting things lined up to take supplies to Ann Simmons of Seahorse Farm when Hurricane Katrina devasted Ann's Farm. After we unloaded all the supplies and we started to work on helping to clear the debris. We needed a chainsaw to cut limbs small enough so that we could drag them and load them into the back of Ann's pickup truck. Along with all the supplies purchased, Monette also had purchased a chainsaw. Well, when we opened the box there was a chainsaw alright, but it was an electric chainsaw!!! How in the heck are you supposed to use an electric chainsaw without electricity! Bless her heart, while running around like crazy to buy supplies she didn't notice that it was an electric chainsaw. Needless to say, we got a real kick out of Monette's mistake and got a good laugh.

You're going to love these I am sure. Please congratulate these ladies!

[SIZE=14pt]OUR DOOFUS WINNER IS known here as "dontworrybeappy"....Karen[/SIZE]
For 3 weeks before Nationals I was searching for the "perfect" 90 second music for Appy's Liberty class... finally found an obscure little instrumental song by an obscure composer and bought the song online. So now I could play it on my ipod, but not copy it to a CD or edit it down to 90 seconds. My techno-weenie hubby tried too and we couldn't even find a CD or album anywhere to copy. Finally in desperation I bought the whole album online in the hope that I'd be able to burn it to CD... THAT finally worked and I had the "perfect" edit ready for Nationals, just days before I was due to leave!
I made 3 or 4 copies with a specially designed label, with space for Appy's number... his photo, name, the class number and name already printed on it. Was so excited about getting it all done that I turned it in to the office 4 days early. We bought new shaker bottles and new lunge whips for liberty and got psyched up for our last class at Nationals!
Before the class, went and strapped on all the girdles and warm show jackets, getting nervous about everything! When we got to the entry paddock they said there was a problem - they couldn't tell which CD was mine... I said it was the one with his photo, number, name, etc printed on the label. So they were OK.
So we get all excited and RUN into the ring - only to be told the CD was cracked now. After all I went through for the music, I said I'd go get an extra copy out of the car. So we left the ring. They were going to move us to last. I ran to the car, and ran back (as best as a fat lady can, that is!)
Knowing that it's hard to keep Appy up and excited, and we SO wanted people to see his big trot, Joel went to bat for us and got us in sooner than the end of the order... so in we RAN again! The music started, I let Appy go only to here "DQ - PUSHOFF" and the music stopped (so people heard maybe 10 seconds of the music I went through all that effort for!) I didn't think I'd pushed him - but if it looked like that, them's the rules! Appy of course, stopped moving as soon as the music stopped, so we met him at the outgate and left. I went back to the hotel and collapsed.... all that anxiety and effort and I blew it.
Yesterday, Flanders sent me the DVD of the class - and with much trepidation, I watched it! Yes, indeed - I DID touch him after the halter was off - so we were legitimately disqualified after all that work, and it was all my fault! I slowed down the playback and zoomed in to see, because I certainly never MEANT to push him off, I do know the rules!
Turns out it looks more like I lost my balance when letting him go and put my hand on his neck to catch myself! So I "SINGLEHANDEDLY" ruined our chances after ALL those weeks of preparation just by being a tired old lady all out of balance!
I said at the time, and I still believe it now, embarrassed as I am - better to be disqualified because I made a fool of myself than because Appy didn't show off the way we KNOW he can!
- Karen Malcor-Chapman--------------------
As we all know Monette went out to Sea Horse Farms to try to help Ann Simmons with a lot of supplies. Well, seems Monette did a doofy thing too in all her efforts. Trying to make the best of a sad situation and finding a little humor along the way, Monette made quite a blooper. Her friend and forum member Karin-NaKar Miniatures blew the whistle to me on her.
As you know, she was instrumental in getting things lined up to take supplies to Ann Simmons of Seahorse Farm when Hurricane Katrina devasted Ann's Farm. After we unloaded all the supplies and we started to work on helping to clear the debris. We needed a chainsaw to cut limbs small enough so that we could drag them and load them into the back of Ann's pickup truck. Along with all the supplies purchased, Monette also had purchased a chainsaw. Well, when we opened the box there was a chainsaw alright, but it was an electric chainsaw!!! How in the heck are you supposed to use an electric chainsaw without electricity! Bless her heart, while running around like crazy to buy supplies she didn't notice that it was an electric chainsaw. Needless to say, we got a real kick out of Monette's mistake and got a good laugh.

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