Do you use Balls or toys?

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Jan 23, 2021
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Southern CA
I have been thinking of buying interactive balls for my minis. Does anyone have these? Do your minis play with them? I was thinking of getting one where you add treats. Asking your thoughts on this. Thanks
My experience has always been that boys will play with toys, mares will not. No one likes the jolly ball with the handle, but the yoga ball is a big hit. And the dog toy that is a rope with 2 knots in it is also a favorite. Especially if you have 2 boys because then they will play together as they try to take it from each other.
We use things like an old rubber boot, put some grain or treats in the foot so they can knock it around. Youngsters get empty feed bags, again with just a small amount of something tasty. An empty milk jug, a mandarin orange box, the sky's the limit. It's fantastic for desensitization and engaging in problem solving. Highly recommend for any horse on stall rest.
We use things like an old rubber boot, put some grain or treats in the foot so they can knock it around. Youngsters get empty feed bags, again with just a small amount of something tasty. An empty milk jug, a mandarin orange box, the sky's the limit. It's fantastic for desensitization and engaging in problem solving. Highly recommend for any horse on stall rest.
Hey, those are great ideas. I have been working on desensitizing my mare. I'm going to look into your ideas. Thank you. 🙂
Yep, the only one that plays with the jolly ball is the dog. Horses...never.
But, the horses (both geldings) do like a couple old rubber wagon tires. they pick them up and carry them around and try to give them to you. And they like to kick beach balls around. I'm going to try a larger yoga ball next. Have a couple in the house that the 2-leggers are no longer using.
Mine also like to play with the mucking bucket. LOVE to tip it over and dump it out!!!

Final vote:
non-toy toys: they love them
store toys: nope, not at all

I had a jolly ball that went flat so it was folded like a taco and one of my horses used to play with it, tossing it around. It looked a little sad so one day I tossed it and bought him a new one. Never ever plays with it! None if them do.

Now I am thinking of deflating it, probably with a knife, and see what happens! 🤣

A friend gave me one of those huge balls and they all love pushing that around but sometimes they get it stuck in the doorway so then they can't go in and out!
I have thought about buying a Jolly ball for our minis as our youngest mini, Stormy seems bored sometimes. Haven't bought it yet though, maybe I should just give her an empty grain bag, she loves those. LOL
I tried a jolly ball with everyone(the same one), no one would touch it, the dog has it now.
All the boys love the exercise balls but they don't last more than an hour. Finn loved going into a plastic barrel that was on it's side when he was little, he'd hang out in there and it took me a while to figure out where he'd disappeared to. 🤣
None of my horses like the Jolly ball, unfortunately. The goat does once in a great while. Mini colt Jasper (9 months old) enjoys big yoga type ball. It has a handle on the cover and he likes to push it into the adults, irritating them. The Lik-it (with or without ball) was a bust. Boyfriend even made a fancy tether ball that would rotate all the way around. No one played with it. Wrapped sisel rope around a big tree stump and they love it! The water trough is fascinating to Jasper and he likes to play in it. Personally I don't think it would be safe for my feet to put something in a boot to play with--I have enough job keeping my boots on without the boys trying to take them off my feet as it is! Mine seem to love empty two liter plastic bottles, bucket handles, knocking over wheelbarrows (only after full of manure or whatever!), shoelaces, the dog's tail, etc. I do have treat balls and they love them.
I have been thinking of buying interactive balls for my minis. Does anyone have these? Do your minis play with them? I was thinking of getting one where you add treats. Asking your thoughts on this. Thanks
Yes, I have a medium and large. All of my horses (minis included) will go attack them when I give the cue "play ball". Sometimes when they are bored and they see I am watching them they will do it themselves and then look at me, ears up listening for the bridge sound....

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