Do you keep your show minis in shape over the winter?

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Feb 25, 2019
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I thought I could cut back on my girls feed and not work her as often in the off season but she is getting plump in a hurry. I'm curious how much other people work their horses for the show ring in general, and what they do over winter? I had planned to keep her on light exercise but if she gained that much weight in 3 weeks I don't think she will fit through the barn door by Christmas.
I have no experience showing the little ones so this could be completely off but....
I showed dressage for many years and the winter was when you did the schooling and improving and the summer was for maintaining and showing. A week off after the last show and one around Christmas was normal.
I don’t show either, but whatever I am doing right now I continue to do all winter…. Unless the weather won’t allow it. I don’t really change my schedule for winter, might increase their hay some but it depends on the horse. We all are always on the go 🥰
We get quite a bit of snow, and plenty of days in the single digits. I kind of though we would spend more time working on our groundwork, less time trotting endless boring circles but I'm thinking that might not work so well
I work with my horses year round weather permitting. We don't get snow and since we have been in a drought not too much rain.

I like my horses to stay fit year round but know that in some climates and with time constraints that just isn't possible. Horses like to conserve their energy so I bet they like having the winter off!

Edited to say: I didn't notice that you were asking about show minis....sorry
Hmmm. Endless boring circles aren't fun for anyone. Can you do something to change up how you're keeping her fit? Putting it out there as a question because I'm sure there are lots of things but my brain isn't working yet this morning. Anyone?
My vet yells at me if they get over #6 :)

We have a fair amount of snow with some cold spells. But they get turned out to pasture almost daily in the Winter.

We do let them get a little on the heavy side for winter, but really try to keep them within the upper range of 'normal'

They take it off in the Spring when we start working more again.
Right now, Pete is perfect, but having a hard time keeping enough weight on Turk with all the driving he's been doing :) .
Well my vet would probably be yelling at me at this point. Lol. I do try to keep things as exciting as possible, but neither of us drive, she can out hike me easily, already, and she is an exceptionally lousy jumper. Although we do try, really 8" is pushing our luck. We do plenty of obstacle work, but that really isn't doing much to keep the weight off her.
I try to free lunge as much as possible and that's about it. And mine get no grain or ration balancer, just hay and some hay pellets to mix supplements in. Their weight stays about the same. I weight tape once a week to stay on top of it.

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