Do you have any "idiosyncracies?"

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I always have to pee before bed. Even if I'm lying in bed reading, before I get ready to go to sleep I have to get up, go pee, then go to sleep.

When I get a glass of ice water, I have to shake and swirl the ice in the glass for a minute or so before I'll drink it.

I obessively chew straws if there is one in a glass. But I will never drink water from a straw.

I fold the toe of my sock so I can't feel the seam against my toes.

I always say, "Excuse me," "Please," and "Thank you" to my animals if I need them to move or do something for me.

DH and I talk for our pets and our kids, too.

Toilet paper has to roll out from the TOP. And if I come to your house and it is under, I WILL change it while I'm peeing.

I refuse to touch raw meat.

I'm sure there are more, I'm very quirky!
My cold drinks have to be served in a real glass with a straw, not plastic and not ceramic cups.

I drink hot tea in the winter and cannot stand to keep the tea bag in the cup as I drink it.

I cannot have different types of food on my plate touching each other. Anything drippy needs it's own plate on the side. One time in Cracker Barrel they dumped mashed potatoes directly on top of my meat and I thought I would die. I had to have them fix me a new plate.

I can't sleep without covers.

I can't sleep with my hair being loose. I have to have it in a pony tail or braid. During the day it has to be UP. Can't stand it hanging down at all.

I wash all my dishes completely in the sink with SOS pads before I load them in the dishwasher.

I have to sleep with my bedroom window open no matter if the air is on or its freezing outside. Need the window open.

I'm so claustrophobic that I have to open the truck door first before I roll up the windows.

I can never be in a room with a door closed. Except the bathroom. But even in the shower, I never close the curtain.

I have many issues!
I have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts!
I have a few of my own. Like several others, I too have to pee before I go to bed and every time before I go anywhere. AND, while on the subject of peeing, I cannot sit down on the toilet without blowing my nose! For some stupid reason, I just have to blow it, even if there is nothing there to blow! I also have to crap more often than not whenever I go shopping! I know...gross, but true!

When I am filling mine and my husband's pill containers each week with our pills/vitamins, all the pills have to be in exactly the same order in each compartment! Each pill has to be placed in the same position in each day's compartment.

I'm with Marty too, about foods touching. I can have certain foods slightly touch, but could never have anything running into anything else, and I too will grab a separate bread plate to keep certain things separate. People at a buffet that load up their plates with things piled onto each other absolutely DRIVES ME CRAZY!!

And I also MUST sleep with covers on. I will leave my feet hanging out, and blankets up to my my underarms, but my body trunk MUST be covered.
I have a lot of the same things alot of you have.

Have to pee before going to sleep and before going somewhere. I too, don't like things on my plate touching, but I go a step further. I eat one thing at a time. Meaning I eat all of my potato, then I will eat my steak, then my green beans. I also can't drink anything till I am completely done eating. That was caused by my Grandpa when I was a kid. He used to eat all his food then drink, I asked him why he did that. He told me that pigs eat and drink at the same time. Ever since then, I eat my food first, then drink! LOL Grandpa also taught me to twist the tab on my soda can. He said he did it so his nose wouldn't hit the tab. Made since to me, so I always turn the tab now. It is such a habit now that I don't even realize I'm doing it. My hubby and son even do it now! LOL I can't sleep with the tv on. Have to turn it off or it will bug me. Poor hubby, I will start to doze off, realize the tv is still on and "click" turn it off. Doesn't matter if he was watching it or not. LOL I also have to turn the tv on before I go to sleep. We can come home at midnight be dead tired, but I have to turn the tv on for at least a couple minutes, then turn it off to go to sleep. I also have to swirl the ice in my cold coffee drinks. Just give them a couple swirls and I am good. I have to check several times a day to make sure my cel phone is in my pocket. I even buy one type of pants and shorts to make sure I have that said pocket to put my cel phone in. If by some chance I do have to wear a pair that doesn't have that pocket, I go crazy all day feeling for my phone. (Walmart sells cargo pants and shorts that have a side pocket that the cel phone slips right in, just ordered 5 pair of shorts online because my store didn't have any!) Only bad thing about this habit is I am having a hard time finding the blue jean style of pant. They sell the kaki, and black mainly now. Even online I can't find the blue jean style. Even went to Wranglers web site to find them, no luck. Looks like I will be wearing a lot of black next winter. LOL

One last thing. If things don't go routinely in the mornings when I am getting ready for work, I get very testy! I get so irritated if hubby out of the blue asks me to do something that is not in my routine. He has learned that and tries not to ask things of me in the mornings.

Oh, and toilet paper and papertowels have to go over the top! My hubby's Mom stayed with us for a while and she would always switch my toilet paper to go under, I was so happy when she left. LOL
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I blow on my cocoa pebbles before I take a spoonful.

(Not sure if that's an idiosyncracy...I think it just makes me an idiot)

I tell inatimate obejcts to 'stay' when I put something somewhere.

I dip my french fries in my milk shake.

I can drink plain milk normal, but I MUST drink chocolate milk with a bendy-straw (how else am I supposed to blow bubbles in my chocolate milk?)

I push my eye-glasses up with my shoulder rather then my finger.

I smell my hair a lot (I think that's a nervous habit, maybe...)

I like talking in a brittish accent. Also in russian, scottish, irish, australian and spanish accents. I don't know why.

and....When someone asks me if my plate of food is for them, I respond by licking the food. It means 'it's mine, go get your own.'

Yeah, I'm strange...
Jill -- my favorite drink mixer is Crystal Light lemonade -- yay!! Diet booze!!! (Well, sorta...)

Shari, just be sure to have slippers available when people visit. My sister-in-law has a shoes off policy, but as I am a diabetic with a proclivity toward cellulitis, I can never walk around in socks -- a pin or odd splinter could result in amputation for me. SIL does not provide slippers, so I have to bring mine if I visit her. She thinks I'm silly, but I've grown rather attached to my feet and want to keep them!
If you ever come over for a visit, remind me and I would make sure you have new slippers! VBG
I tell inatimate obejcts to 'stay' when I put something somewhere.

LOL... that is what I say to car drivers when I think they are going to go against a Red light or stop sign, or pull out in front of me.

Of course, Jackwagon..also comes to mind, when people are driving rude.
Notice I am not telling anyone about my potty secrets...
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What's my favorite line I heard on "Law and Order: SVU" once? "He doesn't just have issues, he has a subscription!"
Sounds like a lot of us here.

The funny thing is that since we all think our behaviors are justified and normal, it's hard to think of our own idiosyncracies sometimes. I bet my family could give you a list a mile long about me
but I'm having trouble coming up with them.

Marty said:
I cannot have different types of food on my plate touching each other. Anything drippy needs it's own plate on the side.
Oh, ditto, that would be one! I can't stand bread that gets soggy from sitting in meat juice. I don't mind sopping up the juice with bread but it has to be eaten immediately before it gets soggy. I was TERRIBLE about food not touching when I was a kid! I'd throw a tantrum if anything was "contaminated" and had to spend 15 minutes separating everything sufficiently with a fork before I'd eat it.

I have a right sock and a left sock and they must go on the correct foot. They may not COME with "sides," but they have them after the first wearing and from then on it's fixed!

I cannot read and listen to something at the same time. I figure I have one language input channel and having words coming in one way will block them coming in another!
I can listen to two people at once, but can't see words and hear them at the same time without problems.

Typos drive me crazy. If I see one on a post I made months before, I feel a compulsion to go back and fix it. The only thing that keeps me from writing to the publishers of my favorite books to complain about errors is the fact that my sense of procrastination is stronger than my sense of outrage.

I'm extremely controlling when it comes to my spaces and doing things my way. If I pack the trailer, gosh forbid someone else should touch anything in it because then I might not know where something is when I need it!
Don't touch my room, my place at the table, my trailer, my drives me crazy when people try to "help" because it takes me twice as long to redo things the way I wanted them done in the first place. Yes, I know. I need help of the psychiatric variety!
I'm the worst about it when I'm trying to take on big tasks by myself because the only way I can handle them is to be hyper-organized, but I know I'm still guilty of it on the small stuff too although I'm getting better about it there.

It drives me insane when Dad scoops the beetpulp and doesn't clean the scoop afterwards. By the time I come out for the next feeding it's glued to the scoop and takes a Brillo pad to remove.

I can't stand a mess. If someone puts the cap of the canola oil on the horse's arthritis med container and leaves an oily ring I'll fume for twenty minutes. Don't they know that oil doesn't wipe off cleanly and I'll get oily fingers every time I touch that container for the next week?! :arg! I will do anything to keep oil from making a mess.

When using the blower on the horses I wear a large raincoat, a wool cap with my hair stuffed up under it and a hospital face mask. I hate that last item but noticed my chin was breaking out the next day every single time and decided it was easier to keep the dirt from getting blown into my pores in the first place. The rest of it is just trying to keep myself clean!

I still keep handwritten to-do lists and calendars because I refuse to become entirely digital. Much though I love technology, I want to keep my penmanship nice and that requires actually using it every now and then!

I'm on a roll, bet I could get a bunch more of these now but I'll stop before I scare you all.
The only one left I'll share is that I'm the opposite of most you ladies- I REFUSE to pee before bed unless I really need to because I figure holding it all night is how I keep my bladder strong!

Oooohhhh there are some seriously strange people on this forum.

You'll have to wait until this topic dies a natural death before you see my contribution. Actually that is probably my idiosyncracy. I can never think of anything to write until the party is over (so to speak).

Fun topic.
:HappyBounce I'm going to read it all again then go back to the topic where everyone posted their photos and draw conclusions ..................................

I am like many of you that I have to pee before bed and before leaving the house. I can NOT have certain foods touching...ICK! The salad bar at a buffet is the can anyone put potato/macaroni salad next to a green salad with dressing?!? NOOO....blech!! But, then again, I like to mix certain foods together...
TP from top (but I've never changed someone's TP at their house...that's funny! lol). I never take the 1st paper or magazine off the rack. I read newspapers and magazines from bad to front (starting with the beginning of the article of I always change out my wall calendar before the month is actually over (usually the last week of the month), so I can "see" the next month's happenings and if there is something written on the previous month's "last week" I will re-write it on the new
If I am typing and I notice several words past that I have made a typo I will erase back to that word and fix it, then re-type the rest of what I wrote (No, not paragraphs, just several words I'm sure there are more (and even some others have mentioned that I am not thinking of right now)...
I am another one that the TP and PT has to be on thwe holder so it comes from over the top. My son in law would come here and deliberately switch it around just to tick me off!And I am also another that (not only newspapers and magazines) will not take the one in the front in most cases. I usually take whatever it is, from in behind...not sure why, maybe to make sure the package is not damaged and the product not used, or maybe just because I am WIERD!!
Also, sometimes when I am shopping, and I need to open a package to view an item, I put that one back, and take an unopened one! Another stupid thing to do, since I will be opening it at home anyway. I have been trying to get better about that one, depending on what the item is, I will make myself take it in some cases.

I am sure there are loads of other things too, but I don't think of them until I read other's posts. And I couldn't agree more with the soggy bread...that just gags me! YUCK!!!
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The first thing that I thought of is my aversion to people picking at or biting their nails. Even when people put their fingertips together grosses me out. Its gets pretty bad around my house since both my husband and my son chew their fingernails when they watch TV. I can hear it from accross the room and usually turn the TV off and take the remote with me to another room till they stop. LOL I literally cannot concentrate on anything else if someone is doing it. Hubby tells me I am weird. And now my fingers are aching just thinking about it.
wow! I just read all these for the first time. Love you guys
. Nice to know I am as normal as the rest of you.

I have to pee before going to sleep, or just if I think I need to go. Sheets have to be straighten with no wrinkles before I get in. Always dust off my feet first. Wash them if I had to go outside, even in shoes.

Shoes off in my house, but I am okay in other peoples homes who wear shoes inside. I just hate house work!

I would drive some of you crazy if we went out to eat together... I like mixing different foods together. I love stews, soups and mixed types of salads so my plate of food never looks neat.

Having left a barn gate open in the past, (no escapees), I double check and then recheck stall doors and fence gates before leaving barn area. Did not know I was doing it so much until my barn dog would not follow me out one night. I watched him go to each door and gate in the same oder I do it, then and only then, would he follow me out. Bad when even your dog notices your obsessive behaviors!
Just thought of another one. I will NOT eat any meat off of the bone. No t-bones, no fried chicken. If I get a t-bone I cut the meat away and leave at least 1/4" of meat next to the bone. Something about that meat that is attached to the bone grosses me out.
I have to pee before bed and before leaving the house, work, gym, etc. Parental training from long ago. I will HAVE to 'go' even if I just 'went' a short time ago or if I rebel and go straight to bed or wherever I was headed, all I can think about is how I should have peed until I give up and go make a few drops. Crazy.

In my old house, TP had to come off the bottom and it drove me nuts if anybody changed it. In this house for some reason off the top works better so I had to change my habits again.

Nice to know I am not alone!
Printed toilet paper only shows its pattern if it comes over the top, so I rest my case.

(Even though I never buy printed...)

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