Did you honestly know what was under

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
Or did you just get lucky????

Have you ever purchased a horse to show and the only way you had ever seen the horse that was purchased, was in winter woolies? Not even seen a picture of the horse clipped.

Did you really know what was under there? Were your right or were you way wrong? Did you buy one of these horses and later go on to show just as you had planned?? And the horse placed????? Or not????? Or were you looking for performance and you were able to watch the horse move and move well?

Or have you bought a very woolie horse, no intentions of showing, but after finding what was under all that hair, the horse did become your show horse?

Do you really think you can see alllllllll the way through all that hair?
Funny you should mention this...My first mini I bought at a show, my second one I drove an hour and a half to look at. He was extremely hairy. He almost looked like he had lama hair. I thought it was due to the extreme cold as it was a little colder where he was than at home. It turns out though, that he had probably had pnemonia on and off, and after I got him, he got sicker and sicker...had congestive heart failure, that we struggled with. After about a year and a half to two years he passed on. I think if I had been able to see under all that hair, I would have known he had been sick.

On the other hand, I bought my best mare in her woolies and she cleaned house at the shows. You never can tell. You have to be educated and know what to look for. I will know to be more cautious!
[SIZE=14pt]You can always see the structure hair or not.... you can always see the outline even with hair.... I bought Carbon covered in winter hair and manure and was very happy. Same with Image. I was pleasantly surprised that they were even better naked![/SIZE]

WEll I do not show. However 4 yrs ago I traded for the cutest grey weanling. When they delivered her and left my family was horrified. THAT is a mini?
She looked like a brownish grey yak. I swear her hair was 4-5" thick. Come spring we clipped her out and she was the prettiest choc dapple, so you never know. I just liked the looks of her at the time.
We bought our first 2 Mini's (from Jean_B) off the net, after looking at pictures of the 2 colts in their wild winter woolies on her website. But I had studied the Stud and Mares, loved the looks/breeding of the parents, and loved the colors of these 2 youngsters. (Yes, I know, but I am a Buckskin-A-Holic afterall...

After we shaved them for the first time (actually, the Dun shed off completely on his own!) we were EXTREMELY surprised and happy!!! Both boys are Absolutely Beautiful!!! I had thought that we were just getting 2 cute little yaks, but those little hairy yaks clipped off to be 2 really Gorgeous, Very Show-Worthy horses even though we had not thought about showing before that, we were just looking for cute pets!

We have been extremely fortunate in that all 5 of our horses far exceeded our expectations in the pretty department once clipped off! (Even though I adore them all wild and wooly!!! LOL!!!)

I LOVE clipping these little guys, it is like unwrapping a Special Present to see what lays under all that hair!

Ok, this is coming from a performance junky...

Well, I bought Dickens our Herd Sire with a HUGE winter coat...forlock cut totally off, teeth screwed up from being kicked by a mare years ago, and gimpy from arthitis in his shoulder ...does that count?

It wasn't the best way to buy a horse...but, I just had a gut feeling about him. He had been trained by Mike McCabe years ago to a National title...and, I kept thinking there is a Champion heart inside that hurting body...lets get him healthy and, see what we have.

ok...you better put your mush armour on now
...but, I can't help it...I love em

It was a honor to see him come back to life as, a performance horse...as, I worked to get his body healthy...I would see glimmers of the champion he is...little flashes of what he might of been a very long time ago.

I would come in from the barn at night with a lot of hope that he would make it back...and, he did, with a lot of hard work, tears and belief he could. I kept seeing him get better and better and stronger and stronger...that horse loved the attention and, his work...and, yup I fell in love with him...the little stinker

Later that year we drove into the winners circle after they announced him 2004 AMHA World Champion Single pleasure driving ...it seems corny I guess to say...it changed me as a person...these little horses will give everything for people they love. I feel lucky.


I bought my first 2 minis in ghastly winter fuzz! I have shown my 2 year old stallion/colt at 1 AMHR show and was pleased with how he did. the filly i will show next year for the first time.

I am MORE than pleased with these 2 horses! would i sell them? no.

I agree with Lyn; it IS possible to have a pretty good idea of what is under that hair....but you do have to look & know what you're looking at/for.
Minimor said:
I agree with Lyn; it IS possible to have a pretty good idea of what is under that hair....but you do have to look & know what you're looking at/for.

Yep I second this
I agree that you have to know what you are looking for. when i was shopping for my first mini, I picked one horse, but the breeder recommended a different horse for showing. Due to many things, we eventually ended up with BOTH of the horses. The other was gelded by us and is a very stocky gelding we will use for driving, not a halter horse. the one i chose is legger and built totally different (he is what i was looking for). i could tell this even with all the winter woolies and do not regret my choice at all.

In March I bought this woolie guy:


And in August He went AMHA European champion 2 yr old colts!


Honestly, I bought him for his color, predigree, and he could move good.

But he ended up better then I had had hoped for!

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