Darla's official foaling thread.

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Darlas cam wont come up for me anyone else having problams
Not sure when you posted this, but ill answer now anyway lol

Its working for me. Darla is laying flat snoozing with a chicken doing her housework lol

Ooops - now shes up- changed positions and back down sternal
Darla had her weekly bath this morning. I soaked her foot with epsom salts too, before i rewrapped. Her right foot is 100% better. Her left still has a little ways to go, but is also looking MUCH better! She wandered to the far end of her pasture this morning for the first time in over a week. We are supposed to have rain here for the next 3 days...perfect for foaling!

Darla had her weekly bath this morning. I soaked her foot with epsom salts too, before i rewrapped. Her right foot is 100% better. Her left still has a little ways to go, but is also looking MUCH better! She wandered to the far end of her pasture this morning for the first time in over a week. We are supposed to have rain here for the next 3 days...perfect for foaling!
She is so shiny and beautiful! I say tonight is her night, clean, feeling better, rain, good milk, long weekend, come on girl you can do it!
I have what i think is wonderful news!!!!

Darla's morning temp today was 98.8...her afternoon temp was 98.9!!! (afternoon temp is usually around 99.8 or so). Also on her ph, my strips jump from 7.2 to 7.8 and the color seems to be somewhere in the middle! Yay Progress!!!
I have what i think is wonderful news!!!!

Darla's morning temp today was 98.8...her afternoon temp was 98.9!!! (afternoon temp is usually around 99.8 or so). Also on her ph, my strips jump from 7.2 to 7.8 and the color seems to be somewhere in the middle! Yay Progress!!!
Yah Darla!
Oh yay! I have just been checking through Darlas thread to see how she is going (i havent been online for a few days) and im so excited to hear the progress!!

I am sorry to hear your MIL is still so unwell. My thoughts are with her, and all of you that love and are supporting her through this.
Darla's afternoon ph has dropped some more!! it is between 6.8 - 7.2! Morning temp was 98.9 and afternoon is 99.1!!!
Jess, I have been reading all the posts but not had them much time over the past week to watch any of the cams. Just tuned in to Darla and watched her for a while. I'm sorry but I really can't see any improvement in her feet or her movement. She still seems to be in considerable pain and also very stiff, even unbalanced when she manages to get up, plus she has difficulty in getting back down again.

Did your vet say how long to use the banamine before contacting him again? And did you ever get the results of the blood tests - sorry I might have missed you post where you posted the results!

Regardless on how she is progressing towards foaling, I do feel that another opinion as to her other problems would be a good idea for Darla's sake.

I know you want the best for her and are doing all you can, but pehaps now is the time to chivvy up your vets for some answers.
Hi Anna. I dont mean this to sound rude. I am no longer commenting on Darla's feet on this thread. The last time I did there were people who were quite rude. Rest assured that she is recieving very good care. This is her foaling thread and foaling comments are what i am adding to it. I have too much stress in other areas of my life right now, to add to it here. Thanks! Jess
Personally I think it is rude Jess.. Anna was politly asking if Darla had any problems further to her blood results..we are all concerned that what we are seeing in Darla is a pony in pain..nobody was ganging up on either you as you suggested in an earlier post..its not about you..we were expressing our concerns as it is a message/discusion board about Darla..i think your burying your head in the sand..i havnt posted on your thread as you did ask anyone that didnt like what they saw to just move on..Iv done just that as i certainly dont like what i see.. but i do still watch poor Darla and like Anna i feel she still looks like a pony that is in alot of discomfort and something should to be done..I for one would not let my pony suffer for this long..Im supprised you have..appolgies if you dont like what iv written..Im just being honest and its only my oppinion but for goodness sake we are all here actively seeking and taking on board advice from people who have far more years of experiance than we do in the general welfare and breeding of miniature ponies..isnt that what this is all about
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LIndy. At this moment in my life I am doing all that I can for Darla. I was told yesterday that my mother in law has 2-3days to live. As i said before i dont need stress from anyone else pointing out how rude i am being. If you dont like it, then dont read or watch. No one is forcing you to, And by the way...after the posts that were made several days ago i had MANY members call/text/pm me to apologize for the bahavior of others on the forum. I appreciate advice when it is given to me in a respectful manner. But I will not be bullied into tests and procedures that at this time neither myself or my vet think are necessary.
I also want to add that I do want to thank everyone who is respectfully watching and giving advice. Also thank you to everyone who is praying for our family. We really need it right now.
I am very sorry that you feel bullied and I also am very sorry for you personal problems. I send prayers for your family.

There are many things that I would like to say about Darla and your care but I won't waste my time. This you say is Darla's "foaling thread" so I will say that I do not believe that she is about to foal any time soon if at all. I do hope for your sake that I am wrong as it is obvious that you want a foal.

I pray for Darla.
Just want to add my prayers and hugs at this time for both you and your family. I think you are doing the best for Darla right now and hope that all works out for her too.
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