Are either of her parents roan, or appy? I see white hairs in her coat, so it is either roan, or appy, or both. You may not know until you clip her, about the roan.
She's roaning she may or may not get spots- at the moment she has few if any Appy characteristics. Why do you suspect she may be?? Oh, and for the moment, forget the colour and get those feet done - PLEASE!!!!!
Hi her dam is a sorrel appaloosa, her sire is registered sorrel but is suspected to actually be a silver bay. Sky has the pink around her eyes, on her nose, near mouth and striped hooves. I clipped her and she is the same colour as her head on her body. I haven't got photos yet of her clipped and as to her feet that was the first thing that was done when she arrived as I haven't had her very long and her breeder could nto get her done before she left due to her farrier being sick. Her back feet could still use a bit of trimning but she was a little devil and I didn't want to hurt her. I think next time I will lie her down to do her back feet as that is what I had to do to clip her back legs. She doesn't like her back legs touched. So I am working on that. Her hooves look much better now.