cart size

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Sep 26, 2005
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Hello, I am new here. I have just one pony for my grand-daughter. Grandaughter is three. But have 13 horses. My questions was if I have a pony that is 40 inches. WIll he fit into a mini cart. I am going to the Topeka sale this Friday and want to get a cart for the pony. I bought another pony cart but shafts do not fit. way to big. I know nothing about driving. But will learn. At my own expense of course. LOL The other pony cart will fit my paso finos if I get bigger tires. So that was not a lost. I would appreciate any information any can give me. Thanks. Andrea
Well, I'm not positive, but I don't think that it would fit a 40" pony. My mini cart wouldn't even fit a 38", but maybe some of them are made a little bigger so it might work on your pony.
When we started buying mini carts, we discovered that in many cases you can get them with either 48" shaft length or 53" shaft length. We have minis up to 38" tall and the larger ones look and work fine in the 53" shaft. Take your tape measure along and measure the shaft before you buy the cart. Measure the length in front of the cart. If it is at least 53 or 54" long, you should be ok with it. A regular mini cart will not work as your pony will either be too close in the back or stick out too far in the front. Neither of which is comfortable for him and/or safe for you.

Good Luck

I was just going to write what Angie said!

I think our Mini cart has 50" shafts. We've got a 37.75" mare that isn't going to fit this cart. I think I will have to buy pony sized traces for her too, because the Mini harness we've got is going to put her too close to the cart, regardless of how long the shafts are....we're getting another EE cart made in the spring & will have 53 or 54" shafts put on it.

Where can I buy a pair of trace extensions??
Frontier makes a 53-54" shaft, which is interchangable with the standard, 48" shaft of their Mini-sized Easy Entry pipe carts. After having owned a standard cart for several years, I bought the longer shafts separately-I use it when driving my 38" mare, and use the original for the other horses, all of whom are 32"-34". I believe that it would take a 54-58" shaft for a 40" pony. The "standard" shaft length for Shetland sized(around 42"-46")is generally 60".
Our favorite easy entry cart is the Jerald runabout. It is a little more expensive, but we have 3 of them now and will buy no other easy entry. It has a wider seat than most and more leg room. We both have a problem when we can't move our legs about a bit and having a little more room makes all the difference when we are in the cart for a long while. Will have to look up the webpage address as it was lost when I redid my computer, but will do that and post it for you. I think they have them for ponies as well. I know they offer the longer shaft and either 20" or 24" tires.


Ok, I found the web page. It is

It offers a variety of shaft lengths and you can ask them to put either size tires on any shaft length. I ordered 54" shaft with 20" tires. Another thing, Stepping into this cart is a little easier because the floor is a few inches lower than most carts as well. This means a lot to me cause I take senior citizens for rides at nursing homes now and again and every inch counts there.
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I think the Jerald A I use with my 35" mini(has been fitted to a 37") has 58" shafts? Not positive, but it is definitely in the range of 54-58".

For a 40" pony, it also depends on the length of the back. The above mare has a very long back(it fits her, but still, it is long), and she just barely fits in the Frontier shafts(50" I think). But I know larger horses(37-38") that do just fine in 50" shafts.

I would go as long as possible in a mini cart--at least 54-58", preferably 58".

Just remember to check balance...the cart can be a little too small or too big, as long as the balance is right and the cart isn't way too far back or too close(where they hit their hocks on the basket).
Thank you for the information. I went to the site that was suggested. It also had wheel sizes on it. Good site. Thanks again. Andrea

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