Can a 28" horse drive?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I have a super 28" gelding that does it all(almost) He is very smart, sensible, trustworthy. I would love to drive him. I am a size 12-14 woman. Is it unfair to ask him to learn to drive? I have a breeding stallion that is 32.5" I know his size would be better, but he is a 3 yr. old not as bright as my gelding.

Your opinions please?

ALSO.... would I need a micro cart for him? Or will an average size easy entry wooden cart be ok???
Though he would have a bigger challenge than most to be competitive in the show ring, you can absolutely drive him! It's unlikely you'll wear him out, but you know him best, so you'll know just what he can handle.
You might need custome made tack!

I know somebody who has a 29" gelding that pulls like hes done it for years. Drives better then some of the bigger guys.

I have seen him pull a teenaged girl(about 150#) plus her bf who is easly 250 with out a problem.
You know your own horse, this is not an ideal size to drive but there is no reason why, if you think he will take to it, you cannot try. You will know if it's not going to work.
My hubby trained a 30" stallion for driving and he does great! I think you have to watch them to see if they are struggling with the job or doing it easily. We mostly drive on pavement or very hard dirt roads which make it easier. A light well balanced cart is not that hard to pull. have fun with him, Mary
That kind of like asking how long is a piece of rope. Yes he can be taught to drive. How much and how far depends on a few varaibles. Load, footing, terrian conditioning and of course the animals willingness to wiork. A horse of that size would easily pull you and a well balanced cart down a hard packed dirt road for a mile or two. He might only be willing to pull that same load a much shorter distance in the soft slippery footing of a show ring after a rain. While my personal preference is for a larger animal there should be nothing stopping you from using yours within its abilities. My .02 cents worth
That was a question I had when I acquired a 28 3/4 lately. I have him working on a sulky now. The sulky harness didn't need adjusting. Too lazy to get him on the cart yet! but I don't think the cart harness will need much adjusting from my larger mini, as his back seems to be just as long. The shaft tugs may need another hole. He has no trouble pulling me, even across a soggy pasture. If I put a load on him, though, (say, two medium adults) I will do it on a hard surface. I think some horses are born to pull and get job satisfaction from it. My Webpage

A friend has a 28" mini she dries and boy, can he make tracks! he does great and LOVES it!


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