Bushy, bushy blond hairdo....

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba

Lookee, here's little Secret, just about 6 months old, and her mane is still sticking straight up in the air. We're starting to have visions of her mane being 2 feet long....and still sticking straight up.
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LOL I have one like that too. I have tried everything but super glue--just kidding- and it won't stay down either.
Bushy, bushy blond hairdo....,

Was she maybe ........surfin U S A ???????
ha ha ha!

Maybe a mane tamer?

Or, keeping it braided helps alot too!

Good luck!

Alot of times with foals it wont lay down until you thin it out a bit. Try clipping a bit of each side and that should help. More then likey she has to much body hair still on there that is holding it up.
How Cute!!!

little Secret looks like she has a mohawk!!

Sorry, I'm no help but I just want you to know - I think she is adorable!!!
WOW....now that's a serious mohawk!!!!

I love using Healthy Haircare Moisterizer (pink in a clear bottle) for training weanlings manes to lay over. Gives the hair just enough weight to lay it over. When I dries out in a few days...I put more on. Don't know how well it would work on an older weanling with THAT much mane tho, I usually start doing this from the time they are about a week old. I think you are going to have to thin & either braid or use a mane tamer. A tight fitting slinky hood can work wonders with an unruley mane!
I am no help with out to fix her mane, but I can help you by taking her off your hands.
Yellowrose, now that you mention it, here is Secret's sire.....


'spose she might have gotten her "do" from him??

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