I am all for freeze-branding to IDENTIFY a horse, the kind that is done on BLM Mustangs, and that I saw done on Arabs years ago. With this kind of branding, each horse is unique, and it can be used to identify a particular animal if it is lost or stolen. The brand is put along the crest of the neck, usually under the mane, and it is not unsightly, and it does not 'advertise' or 'promote' any farm, horse, or individual.
Even though it is not as visible as a 'logo' brand, the identifying type brand is still a good form of deterent to keep the animal from being stolen. And, it is MUCH better than a logo brand for helping prove ownership. If a person has a whole herd of animals marked exactly the same (using the same logo brand) then it would be hard to prove individual identity. All solid black horses are still 'the same', and can not be distinguished from one another based on the brand alone. So, it is possible that an identifying brand would be even MORE effective as a deterrent to a thief, if they know that horse is uniquely marked and can easily be identified.
The days of the 'open range' where herds of horses and cattle from different farms mixed together and all the owners needed was a quick easy way to prove which animals belonged to them, are long gone. I personally think that today, branding a horse with a 'logo' brand is done primarily for 'advertising', to say to the world, this horse belongs to/was bred by 'my farm'. I say this, because I feel that if theft deterence and proof of ownership are the only reasons for the brands, then a unique identifying brand would be equally or more effective.
But, as I said before, I am not against 'logo' brands, but I recognize they are not the ideal brand for identifying stolen animals, and that they are not necessarily even the best brand for their deterrent effect. When I was considering using a logo brand on my horses, the thought was to identify them as 'mine', just like I have my farm prefix on their name. I wanted a logo brand on them for the bragging rights and for the world to see these horses were produced by me. And, I think if a person really thought about it, for people raising 'show' horses, that is really the only reason to use a 'logo' brand vs. an 'identifying' brand, as the 'identifying brand' has so much more to offer.
Because I view the 'logo' brands the same way I do a farm's 'prefix', I don't see why it would be OK to have a clearly visible from a distance 'logo' brand on the horse, but that is it NOT OK if the handler has a much smaller version of the same logo embroidered on their jacket. To me, they are the same. If one is against the rules, then they both should be, both accomplish the same purpose. Or, just do away with the rule completely, and allow the use of names and logos on everything. And, of those two options, I think NOT allowing 'advertising' in the show ring is the better choice.
At the very least, if brands really ARE allowed (does anyone actually have a letter from the AMHA show rules committee stating that, or was it just word of mouth?) then I think the rulebook needed to be ammended to specifically exempt brands from the 'logo' rules. Because, AS WRITTEN, the rule is specific about about not allowing logos, EXCEPT in certain classes (Heavy harness teams), and therefore, a logo is NOT allowed in any other classes.