I am glad to report that I was able to speak to Mrs. Bradford for a few moments this morning and confirm that the horses have been moved. They are at a ranch in Alabama and I am working with the ranch owners to make sure that the horses have everything they need. Several of them will need extensive veterinary care. Mrs. Bradford could barely stop crying on the phone and would like me to tell each of you how much she "truly appreciates everything you have done." I asked if they needed anything (they are living on their front porch because the house is not liveable) and the only thing she asked for were clothes bins to keep clothes dry and a clothesline to dry out family pictures she was finding. The neighbor who got them feed is going back today and I will try to get these items in with him. Mrs. Bradford says that they lost 5 horses to the Hurricane and had 10 remaining. I will give you all a welfare update as soon as possible.
~ Alison