Beware persimmon trees

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Oklahoma City, OK
Dr Danielson just left. Dancer is very colicky and not responding to banamine. I told Dave I thought she had been eating persimmons and he said to cut those SOBs down! Said he lost a horse (big horse) 2 years ago from persimmons and has seen many colicks from them. Impactions.

These 2 little trees have been here ever since we moved here in '97, but never had much in the way of fruit till this year. Now they are loaded and I've seen Dancer down there often in the last 3 days.

Frank's chain saw is not working right now and he was planning to get it repaired after we get back from World....We're leaving Sunday a.m. So tomorrow we have to figure out how to get those trees gone and the fruit cleaned up while trying to pack!!!! I think I need 2 more hands!

Please think good thoughts for Dancer tonight. We have her on camera and she is on her feet, but still not comfortable. I may have to go stay with her tonight.

Thank you

Oh my! I had no idea about that fruit! Please let me know how Dancer is doing. Good thoughts coming your way!

You all are probably more informed than I am, but I did not know what a Persimmon looks like so googled it. Just in case any one else wondered, I'll save you a couple steps
How is Dancer this a.m.? Waiting for GOOD news!

Hi Charlotte,

I hope dancer is better today .

This happened to us last year!

I have one of those trees just outside my property.

It was hanging over way up high, and dropped

tons of fruit inside my pasture. Moose colicked

last year on September 22. She was so sick and

in so much pain. Her head was pretty scraped

up from thrashing around. Thankfully she is fine

but the vet bill was pretty bad.

We walked around and decided that the fruit must have caused it. I had to

put up a round-pen around that area untill I could

get rid of the tree.

I know the date because I coulndn't put Moose on the Preventacare

Program until exactly 1 year from her colick.

Sending good wishes for you Dancer and

GOOD LUCK at the Nationals!!!

we have persimmom trees in one of our pastures and i have seen the horses eat them for many years, but so far we've had no problem with them. it could be because they are not very large and don't produce tons of fruit. vickie has also voiced concerns about "acorn" trees and the horses eating them.
Wow i am sure hoping dancer is much better this morning.
Oh my !! If it isn't one thing its something else isn't it ?? Prayers for you guys and'll all be okay Charlotte, just stay calm and you will be okay and Dancer too.

Hope your little one is doing better...I went through a long string of colics with my guys until I finally figured out that the loquat tree that I had near them was dropping fruit, and the loquat seeds have cyanide in them...

Please keep us posted!


Liz R.
I'm sure Charlotte wont mind my posting. She is super swamped trying to get ready to leave for World tomorrow early a.m.!

Dancer is pooping!
I talked to Charlotte noonish today. Looks like Dancer is making a full recovery!

I'm sure Charlotte will add more when she can.

Viki said:
I'm sure Charlotte wont mind my posting.  She is super swamped trying to get ready to leave for World tomorrow early a.m.!Dancer is pooping! 
  I talked to Charlotte noonish today.  Looks like Dancer is making a full recovery! 

I'm sure Charlotte will add more when she can. 



Thanks for updating us Viki.

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