Being prepared

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Southern Maryland
Shorthorse Mom posted about the draught in California, and all over the news is the water shortage in the midwest because of the algea in the great lakes. You hear of some fighting to buy up the last of the bottled water. Have you ever watched Doomesday Prepers? Well they go to extremes, or do they? I am trying so hard to be prepared by stock piling, canning, growing my own, stocking up on ammo, well you get the picture. I will fight to the death to protect what I have put away, sorry to admit that some of those lazy ones that don't plan for anything will try to steal from those of us that work hard for what we have. While some are at the beach, I'm picking and canning for winter. I recycle bottles with water and freeze, you never know. I went to a reunion this past weekend much to my surprise someone there was just fired from their job and their husband is also not working, they owe another family member money that was borrowed and I overheard this person say the most stupid thing ever, "I'm not paying them back because they don't need the money, they have a new house and a nice car". I didn't want to start a fight so I didn't say anything, but that is just an example of how some feel privileged.Any way with climate change, political unrest, the haves and have nots, are you getting prepared? Willing to defend?
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I try to do what I can to be self sufficient but I for sure would not defend it. I just can't see myself living by ending another life. Just me and I respect the right of those who will/can defend their stores to do so. If someone wants my food so very badly they will just have to take it. That said, I live in an area where I could subsist on wild food if I had to. Rabbit, deer, moose, squirrel and grouse. Assuming I can travel a bit there are plenty of fish bearing streams, rivers and lakes not too far away. I know about a lot (not all by any means) of the wild plants, what can be eaten (and what tastes good, lol, some of it doesn't but will fill the stomach and has nutritional value) even in the dead of winter. I hope it never comes to that but I do believe we will need to make some adjustments here in North America as the climate changes more and more.
Yep we in Canada are mostly prepared to defend our resources--water especially--from those elsewhere who might be coveting it!!! Here in the north we are still very rich in terms of fresh water...and don't anyone be getting any ideas about that!!!

Mind you, Harper and that idiot Selinger will no doubt just hand it over... But we can hope to do better in our next elections.
Oh, you are so right Minimor. But I have my gravest doubts about doing better with the next election or the one after that either. I don't see a huge difference in our fearless leaders. They have traditionally given away our countries resources and patted themselves on the back for doing it too.

Still, I don't mind sharing, just be nice if we didn't get left begging to get a little back for our own use afterwards.
We may share...but don't let those pesky southerners try to TAKE! LOL

I fear you are right--the next government leaders will be no better than the current ones. Let's face it-at the moment there isn't much to pick from!!

Best we can hope for is for our leaders to collect a good price for our resources. But I am not hopeful on that score.
Great Topic!

I think many urban dwellers are somewhat unprepared. I remember viewing a news report a few months after Hurricane Sandy where this guy was so happy and amazed as he showed off a little Honda generator. Prior to the hurricane he didn’t know such a contraption existed.

Are we prepared? I don’t know; I kind of try, but don’t stick to it. I think we could last longer than most simply because we have hobbies that promote self-sufficiency. (For example, camping, fishing; dehydrated food stores I’ve forgotten about, etc.) We would have electrical longer than most since we have a whole-house generator with a 500 gal propane tank attached to it. Then, for example, I had some silly garden project in mind where I was saving gallon milk cartons. I forget the project (never followed through) but all those jugs are still out there in the pumphouse, so first thing I would do is fill them and all the bathtubs with water. We have lots of food stores because I get carried away at sales, put stuff in the pantry and then forget it’s there. We’d be eating a slew of onions since they grow like gang-busters here and I always have way more than we need.

Long term... we’d be probably be sucking. I’m dubious about subsisting off the land even in our rural area.

Unlike Reignmaker, I would defend and take a life if necessary, if things were that bad. Additionally, what if things were bad and somebody was going to take one of our little horses. I think my husband and I would starve if that was the option, because we just wouldn’t have it in us to butcher them, but I sure the heck would shoot somebody that was admiring their drumsticks as a food source.
My family has always had fire power just incase we had to defend our home (not talking about just a hand gun); my BF and I are prepared the same way. I know how to handle and use a gun but I am not one to go to the range and just shoot for fun. Over this past year I have picked up the skill of archery, so if this world does go to heck one day I have some kind of skill if I have to go kill animals for food. I am in the process of getting seed products that have a very long shelf life so I can produce vegetables etc. if need be.
Not only do we have stockpiles but we are hunters, fishermen, we would have no problem feeding ourselves, we already eat lots of wild game. I would also have no problem protecting myself and family from those that would do us harm. I would love to have a bunker, maybe someday.
My husband and I are going to be eating rodents... voles, moles, rats; with maybe an occasional bunny. Oh, and we could gorge on crows.

It's all well and good to have firearms, bows, whatever, but here in our area, I have seen 1 deer in 4 years. The husband and I used to go fishing a lot here in WA; well, actually, he did. I lost interest because there just weren't any fish in the streams (except/unless you wanted to catch illegally during the salmon runs; which we don't do.) I read the WA powers-that-be were introducing special sterilized fish that could not reproduce so people could catch them and then they would restock. Not sure I understood that one.
We reload much of our own ammo and my husband makes arrows, we also tie our flies for some of our fishing. Thankfully we have animals galore here...deer, turkey, pheasant, grouse, rabbit are everywhere and fishing is awesome. We go fishing almost every weekend and catch our limit. Crawfish (yum yum yum)...we catch those a lot as well, 4 traps can gather well over 200 large crawfish in about 2 hours. We have a big garden but also do a lot of gathering in the summer, edible mushrooms, wild berries, cacti, fiddle heads. We enjoy being outside and it's rewarding (and tasty) to eat a hardy meal with things you have hunted, caught and gathered. My biggest fear of running out of something would be toilet I need to figure out a way to make something equivalent that is not a leaf.
Sonya, that is how I was raised. I don't do most of it now but I do have the skills and could go back to it if the need arose. I taught my son as he was growing up how to forage for wild edibles, made him tell me on walks what he could see around him that he could eat if he had to. I'd ask for 4 or 5 things but he could often give me more and also devise ways to find/create shelter if he needed it. I did so because I wanted to be sure he wouldn't be a recovery if he was lost but rather a rescue. Plus it was just fun.
I can skin a buck

I can run a trotline

Sonya, you are so outdoorsy and capable it reminded me of the Hank song.

I'd like to spit some Beechnut in that dude's la la la la......45! (I will be nice today and let any dude possibilities remain anonymous. Lol)

Weekend is here making feel almost giddy. No doubt I will get over it. Oh, and corn cobs is what my Grandpa Lewis used to keep handy in his out house.
LOL, that makes me really glad I can't reliably grow corn. Love it but don't want to use it for TP.

You could always learn to make paper from something
perhaps chop, cook to mush and then dry on screens some local weeds.
You all inspired me to you tube how to make toilet paper, I must say if you are bored and need a laugh you tube it
What is the link? Accent? I am confused. I will see what I can find on youtube, I guess.

Sonya, can you grow hemp there and convert it into paper products and cloth? I own penny stock in a hemp industry. I will either lose a little bit or become wealthy.
I think that I found the video. Was there a sponge involved and a little rag doll used to demonstrate?
Since I was a little child, I was exposed to being self sufficient. I generally have enough of everything for a couple of months without missing a beat -- except horse feeds, maybe, LOL -- and I do plan to do more gardening and canning next year. this year didn't do either. But no electric, bathrooms, etc., were a part of life at my grandparents.

There is ample hunting where I live with well fed deer, rabbit, wild turkey all over. I don't hunt but, no issue with people who do and they would be glad to hunt here and share. I have and can butcher animals. I have chickens and goats to provide eggs, milk, butter, cheese in abundance. I make (& sell) goat milk soaps, so plenty of that in stock. Gardening ok with a lot of compost available, seeds, plants, fruit trees. Like most of you, my lifestyle is one which includes many self-sufficient conditions. As we are retiring, cutting back expenses and needs is second nature.

I have always kept a couple 50 gal tanks for nothing but water.....I'm on E coast and hurricanes can cut the power. With these I can pump water for use for self and animals. My generator is large and I buy gas ahead for use if needed. The systems plugs into a special place on my meter to supply house and not feed back lines when power is restored. Yes, gas could be an issue if long term! I am working on having a solar panel set up to at least run the well for the water. Have oil lamps and a supply of oil.......can cook with wood. and heat with it, if needed. It's all here, just don't use. Have old hand pumps, wash boards, clotheslines, etc., have baked and cooked outside many times.

Would be a real inconvenience to do without some things but, I am confident I could. Oh, outhouse paper........leaves work, some better than others, LOL. Then there's old newspaper, or cloth and the washboards!

You know, we should probably take a week and "do without", like camping, which we used to do a lot. You sure make a list of what not to let run low. Plus many of us live in a rural area, so it's second nature to buy in a way that supplies you for 3-4 weeks of basics and even more if winters are bad, preventing driving.

There will always be people who do not feel they need to prepare for even a bad storm, so no knowledge of long term, and there are those who just have a hard time with day to day self sufficiency. I would hope the time doesn't come that we have the bombings as we now see in countries overseas. But, as for "bad times" otherwise, I feel I would be better than many others I know. Hey, I have neighbors with riding horses to borrow, also, should I need to ride somewhere. Would I fight over my supplies? If it were true theft of all, yes!! If a family had nothing, I'd help....with conditions to help them help themselves.

Guess I better buy a few more pounds of dried beans! Always a good value food to have on hand.

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