ASPC/AMHR horses at Nationals

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
With all the forum talk about how the ASPC/AMHR horses dominate Nationals it seemed like an interesting thing to do to go through the 2010 Nationals issue of the Journal and pick out all the National Champions that are obviously ASPC/AMHR. There are some others who probably are ASPC/AMHR as well but I don't know that for sure & since the studbook online is acting up I couldn't get a friend to check & confirm them for me. So, if you see some missing from this list please do feel free to add them!


1999 - B- Mitchell's RHM Jenga now known as JC's Jenga

2001 - B- Grassmere's Quest for Fame

2002 - B- Bristol San Juan

2004 - Under- JC's Jo-Co's Lil Admiral

2005 - Over- B & L's Rock E Red Alert

2006 - Over- BHR-JC's Geshan

2007 - Under- D & S A Pharaoh's Fortune

2007 - Over- N.J.'s Sandhill Spirit

2008 - Over- JC's Jenga

2009 - Under- D&S The Die is Cast

2009 - Over-SMHC's Masquerade

2010 - Under- D&S Jocomotion

2010 - Over- Rhapsody's Aztec Gold


2004 - Over- Dakota San Juan Marcos

2006 - Over- Establo Rio Grande

2007 - Over- Wall Street Rock E Mr. Mitz

2008 - Over- Dakota San Juan Marcos

2009 - Over- Dakota San Juan Paulo


1993 - B- Michigan's Silver Penny

1996 - B- Town & Country's Cat's Halo

1998 - B- Michigan's Mighty Mom

1999 - A- Michigan's Golden Shilling

2000 - Over- Michigan's Kings Mom

2001 - Under- Michigan's Golden Shilling

2003 - Under- Michigan's Kiss of Hershey

2003 - Over- Establo Picante

2004 - Over- Establo Tia Maria

2005 - Over- Bristol Margarita

2006 - Over- Miss Kate

2007 - Under- Michigan's Little Sharp Image

2007 - Over- Star Struck Gold's Bay Beauty

2008 - Over- Star Struck Gold's Bay Beauty

2009 - Over- Star Struck Gold's Bay Beauty

2010 - Over- Rhapsody's Ruby Reign


1994 - B- Town & Country's Kit Kat

1997 - B- Michigan's Mighty Mom

1998 - B- Michigan's Mighty Mom

2005 - 32"-34" D&S Little Town Flurt

2005 - 34"-36" Royal Redbird's Tyke

2006 - 32"-34" D&S Vintage Silver

2006 - 36"-38" Michigan's Yankee Clipper

2007 - 32"-34" D&S Vintage Silver

2007 - 34"-36" Erica's Jesse James of Wall Street

2007 - 36"-38" D & S Hot Chocolate

2008 - 32"-34" D&S Vintage Silver

2008 - 36"-38" D & S Hot Chocolate

2009 - 34"-36" JC's Firefly

2010 - 36"-38" Countrysbombshell Stomp


1994 - B- Town & Country's Kit Kat

2003 - Over- D&S Spook Tacular

2007 - Over-Michigan's Heir To The Throne

2009 - 36"-38" Silver Meadows Unbridled Masterpiece

2010 - 34"-36" Silver Meadows Jet Set Go

2010 - 36"-38" Silver Meadows Unbridled Masterpiece

Country Pleasure:

2003 - 36"-38" JC's Jo-Co Toe Tappin Time

2004 - 36"-38" D&S Moma Sang A Song

2006 - 34"-36" Michigan's Queen's Mom

2006 - 36"-38" Michigan's Heir To The Throne

2007 - 36"-38" Willowlawn's Foxy Kid

2008 - 36"-38" Buckeye WCF Classical Obsession

2009 - 34"-36" N.J.'s Quite The Cat

2009 - 36"-38" JC's Celebration

2010 - 34"-36" SMHC's Masquerade

Park Harness:

2003 - Under- D&S 21st Century Thomas

2006 - Under- Rabbit Hutch Charros Firecracker

2006 - Over- D&S Little Town Flurt

2007 - Under- D&S He's So Fine

2007 - Over- Michigan's Sharp As A Tack

2010 - Over- RFP Timed To Perfection

Western Country Pleasure:

2010 - 36"-38"- Pony Vista's Tex's T

It would seem that there's nothing really "new" about Shetlands at Nationals, they've been there for a lot of years now.

I suppose maybe there are more of them being shown there now, but at the same time there are a lot more horses in general being shown there now.
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My stallion, Rika General Lee (Star Strucks Phantom in AMHA) was the National reserve Grand Champion halter stallion, over in 2000. He is not ASPC and no close up shetland breeding, but he LOOKS very much like he should be ASPC which is why I bought him. I love what the shetlands have done for the minis, and I love what "Phantom" did for my breeding program as well. The proportions and athleticism are amazing. I may or may not have just bought an ASPC/AMHR colt too that will be shown these next couple of years and then used on some of my Phantom daughters later. Might have to make an announcement soon

Thank you for the list minimor!
I agree that Shetlands have had an impact on the AMHR Nationals show ring for years now...I think the 1st year that I really noticed it was in 2003. I love the "Miniature Shetlands"...and I am hoping that in the next 10 yrs or so, we will see many more that are "A" sized. But, that is just me...You can like what you want!
I think there is another point - whether or not there is Shetland in the minis that are winning, most have that "look" and most are SHOWN like a Shetland. I've shown Saddlebreds, and I've shown Quarter Horses, and I can honestly say that how the rule book defines square is close to how "square" is defined for QHs, but how the minis are shown is far closer to how Saddlebreds are shown. When I was at Nationals and saw the line up of halter champions, I commented to the people I was with (long time mini breeders) that other than 1 horse, the line-up would not have looked out of place at Shetland Congress.

Having said that though, we're talking miniature horses - while the Arabian "type" has been the standard, certainly there are more horse breeds than Arabians, and I know there are "drafty" minis and "stocky" minis, and I tend to see Shetlands almost as little Saddlebreds or Morgans - so why can't minis look like that? They're still a miniature horse - just a saddle type horse, versus a stock type or Pleasure type. Here is where I think the pintos have it right - they have embraced all types of spotted horses, they recognize they are not a "breed"registry, they are a color registry, much like AMHR is not a breed registry but a height registry. Pintos now have 5 divisions (Stock, Hunter, Pleasure, Saddle, Utility), so no matter what "type" your pinto is, you have a chance in the show ring for your horse to be judged against others like it and be judged on its quality. Personally, I could see that as the AMHR evolves, moving away from so many height divisions (getting back more to just over and under) and moving toward type based divisions may make a lot of sense.

Again, I'm new to this, but sometimes "new eyes" see things differently than those who have long term involvement.
Flying Minis I have to agree with you. Even with height classes the biggest horse has the better chance in winning. So like you said lets get away with height and lets do type. Would love to see that.
Just found this as I was doing some more research on some R/Shetlands and have to smile- the dam to 2004 Country Pleasure champion D & S Moma Sang A Song and D & S Nestlies Crunch lives next door. I can see her out my kitchen window. We are trying to find out if 'Song' has earned an HOF in anything in the show ring.

Oh the dam of D & S Hot Chocolate and D & S Vintage Silver lives next door too. (Also dam of D & S Marilyn Monroe) She is 3/4 sister to the mare mentioned above. Also trying to verify if Marilyn Monroe or Vintage Silver has earned an HOF.

Anyone got any info?
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