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mini horse mania

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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The news story about the preschooler bringing her lunch to school,and it not passing usda standards really has me riled up.they made her eat school lunch instead and confiscated her sandwich and fruit.

My stand is...usda allows steroid pumped into our meats,cows that we eat...passed by usda,are fed city garbage old gummy bears etc.

We grow what we eat we know where it comes can the government tell you what you can and cannot eat.the rate it is going,we wont be free much longer.we already cant smoke in public,nor talk on the phone driving in nc.its getting crazy at all the laws getting passed.

Beef is at an all time high,chicken is also...people aroumd us are stockimg up on canned goods.wages are low,unemployment is up. Electricity has went up,gas is up.People cant afford to live hardly without,assistance.The dollar is,hardly worth anything. I quit my job to raise livestock,and to be self sufficient...when it all hits,we have food,we have a well,we can survive.

Call me a nut if youd like,but I really feel that when its all said and done....soon...if you dont produce some of what you need...its gonna be hard.everything just cant keep going up...if so,people will have to make triple digits just to live...opinions please...
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I agree with you about how expensive everything is especially here in the Northeast. We are very fortunate to have a large amount of acreage and we can produce what we need if we had to. In the past few years, I developed an interest in farming and working our land and I'm telling you knowing you can feed yourself is wonderful. Not sure though what would happen if we couldn't get diesel fuel to run all the equipment but we'd find a way. I think if we had to, we could go off the grid and be just fine. So I'm with you and agree with you.
this kid's lunch thing... something has to be more to this story.. It sounds a just a bit to over the top..
HOpefully this will work, here's a link to the newspaper article (assuming this is the article):
Thats it.i read a different one where it told they took her lunch...either way,i think it is wrong for them to tell us how to feed our children....
Thats it.i read a different one where it told they took her lunch...either way,i think it is wrong for them to tell us how to feed our children....
I agree with you. The only way I could almost understand them doing something like this is if Mom only packed Twinkies and Coke (hardly balanced meal); but even then, its Mom's choice if that's what she's feeding her kids.

In this case, Mom's lunch of sandwich, chips, fruit and drink has got to be better than fried, breaded chicken chunks. [And, the kid probably would have eaten all (or most) of what Mom packed, instead of just eating the chicken when given the tray of lunch food.]
The Progressive Political Agenda means dis-empowered individuals with less personal freedom.
when I first read this when I got home from the Dr. I thought I wouldn't respond, as I didn't know what the guardian packed in the lunch. It could have been maple syrpe and sugar sandwich! But now that I read the report, this is crazy, that is a much better lunch then fried or even baked, chicken nuggets!

OK every body already knows I'm old, hate to date myself even further, but, back in my day, there wasn't government lunches, nothing free, if you had it, great, if you didn't, you went without. My mother worked and if I didn't get up in time to make my own luch I had to go without, needless to say, I got up and made something, as most of the time, no breakfast, Oh we also had to walk to school. It might have been only peanut butter on two pieces of bread, but what the hay, it was somthing to fill the belly.

The government, or the school, has no right to tell anyone what to eat. Sounds like to me this lunch was more to this girls liking then her just eating nuggets!

We grow our own veggies here on the farm, and I hate it when my daughter takes my grandson to McDonalds when I make a good dinner every night. I also can, and we only go the grocery once a month for meat, Walmart for pet food and paper products, everyone is scrimping to get by just to hang on to our farms and livestock, leave our school kids alone.
Wow! Well here's my major irritant for the day! With so many schools hurting for resources, I am shocked to read that there is money to hire someone to police packed lunches. I'm actually all for the schools ensuring the kids are properly fed - how else can they focus on learning? (I worked for a number of summer learning programs, and the vast majority of our kids showed up hungry.) I'd actually love to see WIC/LINK programs restructured so that the necessary resources go directly to the kids through the school system instead of through unreliable parents, but why punish the parents that are actually trying to parent? How can anyone with even an inkling of common sense look at the described lunch and decide that what the girl really needs is three chicken nuggets?!
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What it comes down to is too much Big Government interference in our personal lives.....Period.
Unfortunately my take on this is that the school gets $$ for every child that eats in the lunchroom. Sack lunch from home=less $$ for the school.

This is not new; students have been harrassed for bringing a lunch for many years. Students are being TRAINED by the schools to eat at school. Naturally when they become parents they will send their child to school for the "free" lunch.
We raise our own meat and garden as much as we can. I work from home, so we CAN raise our own. Beef, pork and poultry. The garden yeilds tons in the summer, of course a lot of work but what the price tag on health? Oh yeah, and when the poop hits the fan, I will still be able to eat. am I a nut? Maybe. But, I will survive a little longer than those that depend solely on grocery stores.

We can be nuts together. ;)
I have a question. Do any of you have those 55 gallon barrels for stored water? The feed store mentioned using bleach in the water and it will stay good for 3 years. What do you guys do to preserve drinking water?
I guess I am frustrated about government getting in our lives,thats part of,the reason we started farming for ourselves...its illegal to sell raw milk,when lots of folks who are lactose intolerant,can actually drink have to jump through hoops to sell home grown food,when the stores sell many outbreaks of ecoli and meat recalls,contaminated vegetables really makes you scared of what you are putting in your body....those nuggets she ate were probably processed with who knows what,when her mom packed,imho,was a pretty nutritious meal compared to school lunches. The way it is looking,the economy is on the verge of really isnt worth what will happen to everyone that depends on that dollar? I really believe this is,why the horse slaughter was made legal again.back when truman was president,horse meat was all people could afford...i sure dont want it to get that bad,but 5.99 a pound for roast is someones pay for an hour of work...and theres talk of it,going up,,,frankly,im terrified.....
I have a question. Do any of you have those 55 gallon barrels for stored water? The feed store mentioned using bleach in the water and it will stay good for 3 years. What do you guys do to preserve drinking water?
We have a well,so I havent got that far yet.i read sufficicient self occassionally..its a neat website...with food storage ideas and homemade recipes...
mini horse mania, I cannot call you a nut because YOU ARE NOT. People can stick their heads in the sand and pretend that the government does not have an agenda to control our lives if they want to but it is simply not true. Lots of us are trying to get prepared. We have every intention of being off the grid. So people can call me the nut instead of you. More than just a few folks are stocking up on seeds, food, bullets, and all sorts of things. I just wish that I was not 3 years away from retirement so that we could go ahead and get us some very very secluded property. People that enjoy watching Survivor could very well be living it one day! Just this past week we happened to get one of those tent style hammocks like the military use. Somebody gave it to my husband. I was happy to get it. If a warm spell hits during foaling season I can hang it in the barn and sleep in it to keep the mosquitoes a nut.
How can anyone with even an inkling of common sense look at the described lunch and decide that what the girl really needs is three chicken nuggets?!
I understood from the article, she was given the full lunch meal (whatever else that included), but only ate the three nuggets. [Her mom stated she is very picky eater, so had packed foods she'd actually eat in her lunch.]
No matter what we do today it seems like the goverment has to have some say in it. Its just wrong, they dont let us live our own lives anymore. Our kids are grown with families of there own, but my daughter is up every morning making darn sure the kids eat a well balanced breakfast and packs the kids a hearty lunch. The school lunches they serve are a joke, not only are they very pricey (I think its $2.75 a day) but they sure dont get much. A bottle of water from the school vending machine is $1.25. Who can afford it. We have a 160 acre farm, and about 40-50 angus beef or herford X. We know what they are fed ..(no growth hormones etc) all organic. so I am not too concerned about "being ready" I also run a large produce/fall store which slowly but surely we are switching everything over to organic. That produce we do ship all over WIsc and other states to grocery stores. We have seen a large increase, of organic orders, so I do think people are starting to realize more and more about the hazards in some pesticide sprayed food, the biggest drawback is the cost of organic. We buy very little at the store, so we are lucky there. We have 2 drilled wells on the farm (one for the barn and the other for our house) so hopefully they dont run dry for a long long time. I did subscribe to a magazine called MaryJanes Farm, it had alot of info in it for those living off the land. Anyone know of any other good sites to check out?? or book to read? Ido alot of homemade things around the farm.
I think it's wise to be attentive to what the government is doing these days....and it's also good to access how the family could survive in an emergency.

We have a 2000 gallon cistern for our house water and irrigation canals throughout the property. We have a vegetable garden and also enough acreage (45) where we could raise meat animals.... I do buy canned goods in bulk when ever possible/on sale, definitely more than a week's worth. I also have food in the freezer! (Any food canned or frozen that can feed you for over a week is suspect.)

Frankly, we could be on the "on watch" as potential terrorists if you go by the government standard on four+ points they list. Oh! I forgot...we also have a small generator for the camper, so I guess that makes us REALLY dangerous.

Am I sick of Big Brother? YOU BETCHA!!!
What it comes down to is too much Big Government interference in our personal lives.....Period.
Sad but true. Control the food, control the people.

Have been trying to get people to wake up for years.... with the bills that are being passed, that take our rights away. Very, very few pay attention or tell me the people in the Gov won't do some thing like this .

What about the kid's that have bad food allergies? All they can eat, is lunch from home.

I would be suing that school!
Just a differant view but I think part of the reason Government is taking more control of things like school lunches is because such a large percentage of the population has no idea what healthy food is or where it comes from. Remember the article that went around some time ago from a newpaper about stop hunting and killing animals, go buy your meat from stores were no animals were killed to make it?? Kids are so isolated from nature, from what makes up our world, they have no understanding or common sense about how what you eat impacts health and wellbeing! Government regulations replacing common sense!

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