Anybody know about bee stings?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Okay, so I got stung at the show on Sunday, right around noon time. I applied an ice pack immediately(Thanks Sarah!) and had no symptoms what-so-ever Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Yesterday, I wake up and my eye and cheek is swollen, but not too, too bad, just enough to irritate me. Today, I wake up and the swelling has doubled from yesterday, spreading down my cheek and buttoning up my eye a little more. Tonight the swelling seems to be increasing, and feels like there is pressure IN my eye. I got stung kind of on the top of my cheek bone/just below my eye. The pain feels much like a sinus infection, but not exactly and I have kind of a haze in my vision in that eye...very weird. Any suggestions? I plan to see my doc tomorrow if no better, but was hoping for some relieving ideas for tonight. I tried benedryl already and it didn't touch it. I have taken some ibuprofen.

Edited to ask for this to be moved to the back porch, my bad. Thanks
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Could be a reaction to the sting.....GO to the doctor please! Take care and hope you feel better soon.
Russ, I promise, I will go to the doctor tomorrow if the swelling persists, I hate going to the doctor... but I will, and thanks for caring

Marty, I got the stinger out on Sunday right after I was stung, it came out in two pieces, but it was scraped out like they tell you to do. I haven't tried the hydrocortisone, yet, I'll give it a whirl! I have tried everything else that that link suggested. Thanks so much for finding it for me!

I appreciate you both taking the time to respond. Thank you

Jodi, borrow the Rhodonite (pink w/ black) and put it in a glass bowl of pure untreated water and set in the sun for at least several hours, then gently apply wet cloths soaked in this elixir to the swollen areas. You can also hold a rose quartz to the sting spot and it will draw. Hopefully this will help but I do think a visit to the Dr is a good idea with this much swelling. Let us know how you make out.
Sorry to hear about the bee sting!

I have bad alergic reactions to bee stings, yellow jackets and wasps.

You might want to call your doctor and see if he can get you on some meds and then keep some meds on hand just incase.

I have to have Methylpredisolone on hand just incase.

It brings down the swelling fast and is a life saver to me!!

Thank you, Everyone. I am going to the doctors today, called in at 9:30 and they actually called back in record time for them, so I will be going at 11:45. I'll let you all know the result of the appt. when I get back.


P.S. Just noticed that I managed to think I was a day ahead of schedule in my week. It swelled on Tuesday(sorry had a DUH moment!)

I went to the doctor's office, and they had made my appt. with an FNP, not my doctor. She told me to take Benedryl and ice it...Benedryl is of NO USE, I tried it the day it swelled to begin with. So, I will continue to ice it(because I already was doing that anyway) and if it gets worse, I'll go to the ER as the Benedryl does nothing for the swelling, it just puts me to sleep! It is bruised looking today to top it off, so I look like someone punched me in the eye! I feel better today than I have most of the week, but still feeling lethargic and have a NASTY headache. I guess this will be a wait and see type of thing.

Thanks for your concern, all of you, I really do appreciate it.

Glad it's starting to feel a little better. Hope it continues to improve.

I've been stung twice in the last few weeks by black wasps. The first time was on my hand in between my thumb and pointer finger. It swelled some, but hurt even worse. It didn't start to feel better for about a week. The next I was stung was in my calf. It swelled up to 2 times it's normal size. Really hurt!!! This took about a week to get better too. I've gotten really paranoid about bees of any type!!! :eek:
Now don't laugh :lol: .......

but using hemorrhoid cream on stings works wonders. I was told that hunters carry hemorrhoid cream with them "just in case". So I tried it, and it really worked!! I was stung on the bridge of the nose, used the cream and next day no swelling, no soreness, no problems.

Hope your doing better today.

I haven't seen this thread before but am amazed how that sting has turned out. Ouch!

Sunday when I saw you had the ice pack there was barely any sign that anything had happened. i do remember you mentioned there was alot of pain for a sting. Do you remember what type of bee, wasp, or hornet it was.

Thanks so much, Mark! I do not know what kind of bee, hornet, or wasp stung me, but I do know it has been a PAIN in my face all week! The swelling is finally down today, a little bit at least, but there is bruising evident and I still look like someone beat me up! LOL

I wish I did know what kind of bug it was so I could be more careful, I have only ever swelled up from Honey bees before...Whatever the case, I had a GREAT time at the show and cannot wait for the fall show!

Thanks for asking.

I'm not sure on this but seems to me there is a spider that causes a reaction similar to what you have been going through. I know you said you were stung and certainly looked like the case but could it have been a spider bite? May be some one alse has had a similar exp.?

Glad to hear things are getting a little better.

Our doctor awhile back told us that bee or wasp venom is protein. And one good way for the swelling to go down and the pain to stop is to make a paste out of meat tenderlizer, as the meat tenderlizer breaks down the protein. IT has always worked for us. David got into some wasp's just a few days ago, and within an hr after I made the paste with water and the meat tenderlizer the swelling was gone, it still hurt some but by morning the pain was even gone.. Makes sense. and works for us..

Just a thought


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