Well-Known Member
I've had to ban myself from watching anything Katrina related for a day or two. I was watching Dateline last night, and they ended the show with some pictures of stranded, abandoned dogs and the background music was the song 'Helpless'. It upset me so much that I didn't sleep at all last night, I couldn't get that cocker spaniel's face out of my mind. There just HAS to be a better way. So I may have a new cause.
I understand that many people have accepted that human life must come before the pets. But there have been so many people helping the humans and, at least from what I can gather on the news, the animals have been left behind with only a few people able to actually get in there and rescue them. Many people stayed behind only because they couldn't take their pets.
Our culture has come to value our relationship with our pets much more than in decades past. They are a part of our lifestyle and family. Polls have shown as much. Think about it... people were willing to risk their lives because they could not bring themselves to abandon their beloved pets. I did the very same thing during Hurricane Hugo when I learned that my pets would not be allowed in the shelter with me, I stayed behind with them. has information on disaster preparedness for pets, and they say in bold letters "DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND". But what do you do with them if your only option is a designated shelter?
So I've been thinking, and I need some guidance and ideas...
I think that the American Red Cross and the American Humane Society should come together and somehow coordinate a way for people and their pets to evacuate together. Perhaps not be in the same shelter, but have coordinating shelters in close proximity to each other in times of crisis. The American Red Cross, and governments, would perhaps have less trouble convincing people to leave dangerous areas, and more pets would be given a shot at surviving. And people affected by these tragedies would have their pets close at hand for comfort. The pets could be brought to safety BEFORE the crisis arrived in some cases, like hurricanes. Injured or lost pets would have a triage area waiting for them afterward. The exact same idea as a Red Cross shelter, (food, water, first-aid) but for animals instead.
I believe that, if the AHS really campaigned, people would donate to them like they do to the Red Cross and they could build up funds to support this coordinated effort. Especially after the images of the pets on TV this week. People have a different view of their pets than they did 40 or 50 years ago. But it would take both entities working together, as the Red Cross has far more experience in relief work. The donations are coming in strong now for the animals, but for many, it will be to late. They've been swimming in that toxic soup for more than a week.
Is this a feasable idea? How would I go about doing what little I can to help make it happen (once this current crisis is on it's way to being resolved of course)? Does one just call up the Red Cross and say, "Hey, I have an idea?" Would it work better on a state level? I've thought of starting with the Idaho Red Cross and Idaho Humane Society. How does one get the word out to get public support behind them? I may not have much money, but I've been told that I have a big mouth and I'm very passionate about things that I truly believe in, and I truly believe something needs to change.
My initial thoughts on this are for small animals, more likely to be city pets concentrated in one area. Large animals would be an entirely different undertaking, and perhaps not as easy to coordinate, as they would not be concentrated in one area and have more expansive housing and transportation issues. But it could be done.
I understand that many people have accepted that human life must come before the pets. But there have been so many people helping the humans and, at least from what I can gather on the news, the animals have been left behind with only a few people able to actually get in there and rescue them. Many people stayed behind only because they couldn't take their pets.
Our culture has come to value our relationship with our pets much more than in decades past. They are a part of our lifestyle and family. Polls have shown as much. Think about it... people were willing to risk their lives because they could not bring themselves to abandon their beloved pets. I did the very same thing during Hurricane Hugo when I learned that my pets would not be allowed in the shelter with me, I stayed behind with them. has information on disaster preparedness for pets, and they say in bold letters "DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND". But what do you do with them if your only option is a designated shelter?
So I've been thinking, and I need some guidance and ideas...
I think that the American Red Cross and the American Humane Society should come together and somehow coordinate a way for people and their pets to evacuate together. Perhaps not be in the same shelter, but have coordinating shelters in close proximity to each other in times of crisis. The American Red Cross, and governments, would perhaps have less trouble convincing people to leave dangerous areas, and more pets would be given a shot at surviving. And people affected by these tragedies would have their pets close at hand for comfort. The pets could be brought to safety BEFORE the crisis arrived in some cases, like hurricanes. Injured or lost pets would have a triage area waiting for them afterward. The exact same idea as a Red Cross shelter, (food, water, first-aid) but for animals instead.
I believe that, if the AHS really campaigned, people would donate to them like they do to the Red Cross and they could build up funds to support this coordinated effort. Especially after the images of the pets on TV this week. People have a different view of their pets than they did 40 or 50 years ago. But it would take both entities working together, as the Red Cross has far more experience in relief work. The donations are coming in strong now for the animals, but for many, it will be to late. They've been swimming in that toxic soup for more than a week.
Is this a feasable idea? How would I go about doing what little I can to help make it happen (once this current crisis is on it's way to being resolved of course)? Does one just call up the Red Cross and say, "Hey, I have an idea?" Would it work better on a state level? I've thought of starting with the Idaho Red Cross and Idaho Humane Society. How does one get the word out to get public support behind them? I may not have much money, but I've been told that I have a big mouth and I'm very passionate about things that I truly believe in, and I truly believe something needs to change.
My initial thoughts on this are for small animals, more likely to be city pets concentrated in one area. Large animals would be an entirely different undertaking, and perhaps not as easy to coordinate, as they would not be concentrated in one area and have more expansive housing and transportation issues. But it could be done.