and yet more pictures from Nationals...

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Dr. Pam

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Princeton, TX
This is the end of them, I promise. This is the Reader's Digest version--I've spent the last hour writing this up and it got eaten.

Raven (Lisa's daughter) one too many late nights:


Rob Crater (CLC) at the Northwest groups barn area (across the isle from me);


Andrea (Disneyhorse):


Jan Tobey (MultiHitch) winning the --yep-- multi hitch class:


the other entry in multi hitch:


more to come....
some of the barn area's; LTD/Lisa Davis had a great show:


Patty Cloke--I'd give my eyeteeth to have her training center in Texas, but she won't move down.


a close up of center ring (sorry it's fuzzy)-- Mark Burlington, the Announcer, Jack Schatzberg, the photographer (Jack is 82 years old this year!!
), and Barbara, the record keeper/computer/don't know her official title person:


the warm up area outside the arena--the doors in are on the left.


line up of the 3 and 4 year old Country Pleasure driving class (I think). The attire for CP was MUCH more appropriate this year--80-90 % of the ladies had their shoulders covered--very few spaggeti strap/low cut/leg slits up to you know where dresses.


This HAS to be RNR's new puppy--it was so cute in it's snuggly, and the nice lady said OK to a picture--just be sure I didn't get her

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Love the pictures Dr. Pam.

Raven is so adorable.... and to be able to sleep anywhere..priceless!!!!
Yes, that has to be RNR's new puppy, I petted him, what a doll baby!
Thanks Dr Pam, we have missed seeing you guys so much and felt so bad when we had to decide not to go down to nationals this year. It was so great to see all of your pictures.

Feeling disgustingly sorry for myself but it won't last long, I'm focusing as hard as I can on getting settled and next year.

Great pictures, so glad you took the time to post them! Whets my appetite to come to Tulsa next year

Hope you and your camera are coming to Ft Worth!

Yes that is my puppy! Miss Molly!! She is kinda sad today! I had to go to work and she had to stay home! But I think she will get use to it!!

Those are some great pics!

Dr. Pam -

Just to clarify a point - Barbara McDannald's title is Ring Secretary - but she does a whole lot of other things as well. Please keep Paul McDannald, Barbara's husband and our most wonderful Ring Master, in your prayers as he recovers from his stroke. We REALLY missed Paul being our there - and pray he gets well enough to return next year - he wants to and we sure missed him.

Please keep Al Montgomery in your prayers as well. I thought Sharon and Sam did a wonderful job on the gate - Sharon was quite nervous before we left - but I think (somewhat biased of course) they did an outstanding job.
Wonderful pictures. So nice to see them since we couldn't be there. Such a cute puppy!
Mark & Sharon Bullington said:
Dr. Pam -
I thought Sharon and Sam did a wonderful job on the gate - Sharon was quite nervous before we left - but I think (somewhat biased of course) they did an outstanding job.


they did do a GREAT job while i admit i was a bit irked at the urgency he put in getting to the ring quickly and waiting.. the classes were there and went fast and it was cause of that so i am appreciative - they did a wonderful job!
and Mark just so you know.. we picked our liberty music JUST FOR YOU
Just to clarify a point - Barbara McDannald's title is Ring Secretary - but she does a whole lot of other things as well.
Thanks Mark--I was SURE she had an official title!

Please keep Paul McDannald, Barbara's husband and our most wonderful Ring Master, in your prayers as he recovers from his stroke. We REALLY missed Paul being our there - and pray he gets well enough to return next year - he wants to and we sure missed him.

Please keep Al Montgomery in your prayers as well. I thought Sharon and Sam did a wonderful job on the gate - Sharon was quite nervous before we left - but I think (somewhat biased of course) they did an outstanding job.
I could really feel the absence of both of them. Holding them both near and dear in my thoughts!

Patty sends her love--she can't wait for next year. I really think she would give up showing at Nationals as long as she could be with you guys in center ring. Someone asked me if she was going to be the Vanna White of AMHR

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