Hi Ashley,
Are you a youth? If so, you wouldn't receive a "Journal" unless you pay the regular $45 membership fee even though you may have paid the one time fee of $10 for a youth membership to participate as a youth until your 18th birthday.
All annual membership dues for the ASPC/AMHR expire November 30th. Now is the time to start getting your membership renewals ready to go. Here is a list of what will need to be done by the end of the year:
Renewal of Regular membership $45.00
Second member in household (husband or wife) $15
Amateur Cards $5.00
Stud books on line $50.00
Stallion reports (get those in early)
Show managers/secretaries if you have your new 2006 shows approved get me a copy of your 2006 shows (premium books) for the ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A High Point Amateur Awards and I will get your paperwork on out to you.
Attention Amateurs: Don't forget the End of the Year awards for the high point in each division, Over/Under, Halter/Performance and for the Supreme Amateur Awards in the Miniature Division and the Shetland Division are due by December 1, 2005.
Any questions please drop me an email:
[email protected]
Karen Shaw
ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Triple A Amateur Program