All our bags are packed

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Yup, we leave tomorrow early evening for our marathon drive to Fort Worth! Plan to get there Thursday evening. We will be the three tired people, 8 tired horses, and three tired corgis!

I will pack up my laptop tomorrow after one final check of the board, then no more from me for a few days when I get set up at our motel!

C ya!!!!
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Have a safe trip! Will look you up when we get there we leave thurs morning and should be there thurs night. It takes us about 11 1/2 hours how long for you?
Have a safe trip!

I'll see you there, next Thursday, or Friday..........I'm hoping I'll beable to find people to say hello and introduce myself.......with my horrible sense of direction I think I might get lost at Will Rogers
Safe travel! I am so envious!

I look forward to any and all updates you can share.

Liz M.
sfmini said:
I will pack up my laptop tomorrow after one final check of the board, then no more from me for a few days when I get set up at our motel!


I hope you don't get LB withdrawal
Have a wonderful trip! How long do you think it will take you?
With fuel stops and usually an hour or two nap, about 24 hours. Fuel stops are long, that is where we and dogs potty, horses watered, more junk food acquired to keep us awake........ I am a terrible night person, have been all my life. My friends in high school said I turned into a pumkin at midnight......
Have a safe trip and a great show and good luck to everyone else heading to the world show
Have a safe trip! Be sure to keep us, who arent there, updated!

I wish I could go this year, but wasnt able lots of pics would be great!!

Good Luck!

You are already on the road as I found this.

We are pullling out at 2 a.m.!! I am soooo tired just from finishing packing,,, the truck and trailer are packed as packed can be! I know we look something like the Beverly Hillbillies. LOL!

It will take us around 20 hours. I will spot the hubby when we get to I-20 and then he can drive again when it starts to get dark.

I think we are in the Burnett building right beside Winning Streak.

Everyone come by and say hi!

First time going to the World show and I am SO excited!!!

I was leaving Wednesday morning but because of problems on some horses that I sold that have to be ready for shipment when I get back, I decided to wait until Thursday. Of course, the fact that it was 106 degrees, didn't make me want to haul the horses today either. It is supposed to drop twenty degrees tomorrow so I decided that that would make the trip better for everyone involved!!! I told my wife that if I waited until December 1, MAYBE I would be ready, because I am sure NOT right now!
We'll be leaving Friday and driving straignt thru. Should get there around noon Saturday. For the first time ever, we're in the Richardson Bass Building. See you all there.
FYI, the 20 degree drop in tempature hit here in east central Oklahoma around 7 PM really did blow in to...high winds, but the tempature here is now 70 degrees so there is hope for tomorrow down there. It feels so nice.! What a break.
Good Luck to everyone and have a safe trip.


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