Debby - LB
Admin / Mod
2013 Advertising Reservations now on sale.
Why Advertise with L'il Beginnings? High Traffic = Best Advertising!
No other Miniature Horse web site comes close to LB's traffic and popularity. Established on the internet since 1997
No other Miniature Horse web site comes close to LB's traffic and popularity. Established on the internet since 1997
These spots sell FAST so don't miss out.

Located Top right and left
Your LARGE banner will rotate on ALL the following popular pages of Lil Beginnings Miniature Horse & Pony International!
* Lil Beginnings International Main Page -
BOOK NOW - Some months gets BOOKED FULL FAST! - Banner ad design free if needed. Banner size - 150 wide x 150 tall PIXELS.
Buy four get 1 FREE
Buy 6 choose 2 additional months FREE + Free banner in our Bi-Monthly Newsletter for one year!
BOOK NOW - Some months gets BOOKED FULL FAST! - Banner ad design free if needed. Banner size - 150 wide x 150 tall PIXELS.
Buy four get 1 FREE
Buy 6 choose 2 additional months FREE + Free banner in our Bi-Monthly Newsletter for one year!

Your Small banner will rotate on ALL the following popular pages of Lil Beginnings Miniature Horse & Pony International!
- Banner Design if needed $15.00
- Banner size - 200 wide x 60 tall PIXELS (no animated banners over 8,000 bytes) same size banners that are displayed on FREE LB TOP SITES!
- Banner Design if needed $15.00
- Banner size - 200 wide x 60 tall PIXELS (no animated banners over 8,000 bytes) same size banners that are displayed on FREE LB TOP SITES!
Buy 6 Get one of those FREE
Buy 10 Get two additional months FREE + Free banner in our Bi-Monthly Newsletter for one year!
LB MAIN PAGE SPOTLIGHT - Shown below this is the first picture you see on
LB's main page highlighting farm or business.
LB's main page highlighting farm or business.

Lil Beginnings offers only one large static advertisement on it's entire Web site!
Located on the main page this exposure is prestigious and unequaled in value due to the exposure it will contribute to your advertising campaign.
*Only $350. per month - Design free if needed. Apply only if you have quality photos- additional discounts given with more than one month purchased.
Plus 10% member discount!
Located on the main page this exposure is prestigious and unequaled in value due to the exposure it will contribute to your advertising campaign.
*Only $350. per month - Design free if needed. Apply only if you have quality photos- additional discounts given with more than one month purchased.
Plus 10% member discount!
* LB Main Page Hot Links Banner Ad
Located as shown above on LB's main page under Hot Links attention grabbers 150x150 pixel banner - *$30. per month without banner design.
These Spaces are very limited!
Located as shown above on LB's main page under Hot Links attention grabbers 150x150 pixel banner - *$30. per month without banner design.
These Spaces are very limited!
Need Banner Designed? - Just $15.!
!!NOTE: Small Horse Connect Members receive a 10% Discount on ALL regular banner advertising!!
JOIN the hundreds of Miniature Horse Breeders and Enthusiasts on the #1 site for Miniature Horses since 1997 is still growing strong and is one of the most viewed Miniature Horse web sites in the world! We are a very dedicated TEAM here at Lil Beginnings Miniature Horse & Pony International, always working to make new additions & improvements to this very popular, high traffic web site.
Your gold membership listing on this ever popular web site is so important as it keeps us going by allowing us to give all that we offer to the Miniature Horse community. We don't just take your money, we GIVE BACK through our constant upgrades to this interactive web site. The LB web site is advertised in many printed magazines to gain even more visitors. We offer FREE Sale Boards, Top Sites, chat with other Miniature horse enthusiast, fun contests offering prizes. AND let's not forget, your membership gets YOUR web site noticed!
Your membership listing includes...
- FULL Gold Star LISTING on Small Horse Connect.
- Text Link to your web site on the LB Gold Members Text Links Page
- Discounts on advertising - Members receive a 10% discount on all regular banner advertising.
- AND for new members 1 month FREE BANNER with design.
All for $42. U.S. funds / per year.
**NEW** - Members who would like to add a personal business to their farm listing.
Most who run farms/ranches also have a paying job ;o) some of us are self employed. If you would like a link to your business at the bottom of your farm listing you may choose one of the following:
add $8. for up to 15 words and a text link. Or add $16. for up to 15 words and a 150x60 banner. Subject to approval email me.
CLICK HERE for further information about Gold Star Membership on LBI's Small Horse Connect
CLICK HERE for further information about banner advertising.
Most who run farms/ranches also have a paying job ;o) some of us are self employed. If you would like a link to your business at the bottom of your farm listing you may choose one of the following:
add $8. for up to 15 words and a text link. Or add $16. for up to 15 words and a 150x60 banner. Subject to approval email me.
CLICK HERE for further information about Gold Star Membership on LBI's Small Horse Connect
CLICK HERE for further information about banner advertising.
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