Hello to All:
Just a reminder that the ASPC/AMHR Club of North Texas annual Halloween Spooktacular show is just around the corner. The show date is Friday, October 28 to Sunday October 30th. Early show entries are due by October 12th.
Judges will be: Gordon Ordegard and Margo Shallcross
Show time: 5 p.m. Friday evening and 8 a.m. Saturday & Sunday mornings.
The show will be held in the large arena of the Somervell Expo Center in Glen Rose Texas. There will be a stall decoration contest, spooky visitors, trick or treating in the barns for the kids, guessing games at the show office, judges will be in costume and exhibitors are encourage to dress up too.
For show information:
Lea Dill -Show Manager 1-315-986-3026 Email: [email protected]
3590 Baker Road Walworth, New York 14568-9731
Karen Shaw
ASPC/AMHR Club of N. Texas
Show Committee Chair
Just a reminder that the ASPC/AMHR Club of North Texas annual Halloween Spooktacular show is just around the corner. The show date is Friday, October 28 to Sunday October 30th. Early show entries are due by October 12th.
Judges will be: Gordon Ordegard and Margo Shallcross
Show time: 5 p.m. Friday evening and 8 a.m. Saturday & Sunday mornings.
The show will be held in the large arena of the Somervell Expo Center in Glen Rose Texas. There will be a stall decoration contest, spooky visitors, trick or treating in the barns for the kids, guessing games at the show office, judges will be in costume and exhibitors are encourage to dress up too.
For show information:
Lea Dill -Show Manager 1-315-986-3026 Email: [email protected]
3590 Baker Road Walworth, New York 14568-9731
Karen Shaw
ASPC/AMHR Club of N. Texas
Show Committee Chair