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  1. Kendra

    New Podcast and the olden days of this forum

    In 1997, I was 17 years old and went to the AMHA World show in Lexington, Virginia. I went to get my youth team t-shirt, and guy behind the table said, "Are you Kendra from Canada?" It was Al B, and I "knew" him from chatting online on an early incarnation of this very forum. I recently...
  2. Kendra

    How To Braid the Draft Mini

    Here's my first attempt - not as nice as his, but considering I had a fuzzy beastie who was Not Amused by me playing with her hair, I think it still looks pretty good!
  3. Kendra

    How To Braid the Draft Mini

    Great video! I might have to try that ... I love braids, makes them look so polished! I wish I could braid my driving horse in the show ring ... I show A so no draft classes. Going to try this one for my dressage tests this year:
  4. Kendra

    Classic or Country

    I would put him in Classic for 2 reasons. First, he's a young horse and it's more important for him to learn to drive forward with a relaxed topline and build the right muscles to eventually achieve more self carriage and collection. Encouraging more of a Classic frame will help with these...
  5. Kendra

    cantering a driving horse on the lunge?

    Teach the canter on the lunge and then you'll have a nice downward transition developed for when it comes up in harness. Also, why wouldn't you canter in harness? It's fun! ;) I believe that by having the canter as another gait, they're less likely to break in the show ring as it's not a big...
  6. Kendra

    Blue Eye info

    Blue eyes in horses are like blue eyes in humans - there's no concerns based on the colour of the eye. If they have pink skin around their eye (which isn't uncommon in blue eyed horses) then there are some concerns with sensitivity, sunburn and potentially cancer.
  7. Kendra

    Tongue over the bit--riders or drivers

    Instead of an overcheck, you could try just a piece of string or twine over the noseband. Keeps it lifted up in his mouth in the same direction as an overcheck, without restricting the movement of his head and neck.
  8. Kendra

    Poor Maggie ~~

    Pergalide is super effective in most cases, and many horses are able to continuing doing their jobs once they're on the medication. Good luck to you and Maggie! She's lucky to have a person who notices that something is up before she gets very ill.
  9. Kendra

    Got chicks?

    My chickens never free range. It's my job to keep them safe, and their enclosed runs are how I do that. It's not "inhumane" to prevent them from being eaten by a predator.
  10. Kendra

    Got chicks?

    I've had two hens hatch chicks so far this year - one hatched 4, the other 7, all Partridge Chanteclers but one, which is 3/4 Chantecler, 1/4 Ameraucana. Two more hens are sitting, one of them I put duck eggs under! My Grandad saw a lady on the news who had a hen raising ducklings, so we had to...
  11. Kendra

    Versatility Class unharnessing advice, please.

    It's really more time than you think it is - just make a plan with your groom so you know who's doing what and practice once or twice and you'll be golden! I find it more efficient to just unharness on my own and have the holder just be a horse holder mostly, but you can figure out what works...
  12. Kendra

    Pair and Multiple Hitch Driving - Wagon types?

    My Grandad did the rebuild .... but he also did the original build. ;) The wood was rotting after 15 or 20 years of use and needed to be redone, so he made some changes while he was at it. He made the seat a little lower, and the whole wagon about 8" shorter, which mostly made it much easier to...
  13. Kendra

    Pair and Multiple Hitch Driving - Wagon types?

    Our horses are all large A size - 33-34" Willing to share dimensions, don't know what they are - let me know what you'd like to know and I can measure the black one for you. It's a titch smaller than the others, was cut down on the last rebuild and we like it better now.
  14. Kendra

    Pair and Multiple Hitch Driving - Wagon types?

    If it's helpful, here's a couple photos of our wagons.
  15. Kendra

    Team harness, work collars with hames or breastcollars? What is best for minis???

    It's my Grandad that drives the 8 horse hitch. He grew up driving big hitches on threshing crews, and learned from his dad, who was an accomplished teamster, driving hitches of many horses pulling a grader to build roads and bridges. I got my breast collar from a local harness maker - it's made...
  16. Kendra

    Team harness, work collars with hames or breastcollars? What is best for minis???

    For single driving, this is my favorite collar: And we use full collar and hames for our teams and hitches:
  17. Kendra

    how many leave their minis out

    I have 2 currently that come in at night: my mostly blind 25 year old gelding and his 24 year old girlfriend. Image doesn't see much of anything in the dark, and Robin needs extra feed, so I bring them in for my own peace of mind, not because they really need to be in. The other 16 horses are...
  18. Kendra

    Negative Judge's Comments...

    Did you ask the judge why they placed your horse where they did? If not, it's very odd that they voluntarily offered reasons.
  19. Kendra

    Dogs and driving

    I have a chihuahua and people always ask if he rides in the cart with me. There's no way. I know lots of people have carriage dogs, but when I'm driving I want all of my focus on the horse, and I feel like I would be compromising the safety of both the dog and the horse to have him along. Plus...