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  1. N goes from bad to worse!

    I am also fortunate to be where I am as I have 3 vets who do mainly horses and 2 vets who do mainly livestock but will do horses if they're on-call. And I work for them so I get free care for one of my pets - the horse!!! Our vets go pretty far afield to treat and will pretty much handle...
  2. N

    What are SMZs?

    SMZ also comes in an apple-flavored powder, just like bute. We sell it at our vet hospital and I plan to get a container for onhand use. ANd I'd always check with our vets before administering. I wouldn't want to mask the symptoms of something serious that the SMZ won't cure!
  3. N

    Registering your foals?

    I'd love to register our sweet filly, Legz. Unfortunately, we have not been able to determine her sire. There were several stallions in the paddock with the mares (OUR MARE'S PREVIOUS OWNERS, NOT US!) so we've been testing one after the other - Thank you Cindy!. Still waiting to hear if the...
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    Moose is now Legs

  5. N

    Moose is now Legs

    This is our filly, named Legz. Don't they look similar? Both have long legs!
  6. N

    2006 Foals, A Picture Album

    I don't know if my daughter already posted here so apologies if this is a duplicate! This is Legz, born 5/11/06 to Grosshill's EK Illusive Hussler, a silver dun mini. Father unknown but hope to track down the deadbeat dad :bgrin
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    Legz goes outside

    Legz is a filly. FOrgot to add that. One blue eye and a wicked gleam in both of them!
  8. N

    Legz goes outside

    It finally stopped raining Wed morning and the paddock dried enough to let Lucy and Legz out of their confinement. It was a hoot watching Legz size up the great big world. Fiona was very happy to great the little one and thankfully Lucy wasn't overly protective.
  9. N

    Let's Hear The Funny Things Your Horses Have Done

    Luc decided she was relaly one of our dogs instead of a mini horse. She was in her paddock and found a stick blown in by the wind. She picked it up and then dropped it, but when I went to take it away, she picked it up again and ran away from me. I must have looked pretty foolish trying to...
  10. N

    Curious question - How many of you have

    We're kindred spirits, Annette! Our little mare also has no history to helpus. We don't even know when she's due. At the moment her tail is relaxed, butt smooshy and she's cranky. Lying down a lot and has a medium bag but no milk. Dropping tummy but the baby still looks transverse. And I...
  11. N

    Please tell me about your barn cameras

    We set-up an old computer in the barn. My son built a platform in the rafter to hold the equipment. We get a wireless signal from the house. We have a Logitech 4000 color cam wired to the computer. It has great color and picture. It's the same camera Jimbo bought to web cam his puppies...
  12. N

    Getting Closer but this storm isn't helping!

    Lucy has more of an udder today, although not truly bagged up. However, today she had some opaque crystals on the teats which is new and I can really see that her sides have dropped away from the spine. I had planned to watch from the nice warm living room on the web cam but the thunderstorm...
  13. N

    dystocias...thoughts on Misty's thread

    When our big mare aborted twins a year ago the first foal delivered fine but the second, which was dead inside, had her head tucked under. It was a major task removing her involving chains and lots and lots of warm water pumped into the poor mare. The poor mite was finally delivered but it was...
  14. N

    Wasn't there a foaling information thread before?

    There was a link (I think) to a page regarding malpositions. I was going to print to put into our foaling kit. If anyone has the link I'd appreciate the address. Lucy is definitely getting closer.
  15. N

    Wasn't there a foaling information thread before?

    Or I just remembering the wrong website? I thought for sure it was here but I don't see it at the top of the forum page. If it's still available I'd appreciate being able to read it again. Thanks!
  16. N

    Is she or isn't she?

    Our mare has an undetermined date of conception (not our doing, believe me!!!)so we have no idea when she's due to foal. Tonight she was a little "off" so we checked her out: Some tail resistence Baby still seems transverse, very active Vulva doesn't seem lengthened Udders slightly...
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    Barn Cams

    To check to see if the wireless internet signal was strong enough in the barn was easy using my husband's laptop.
  18. N

    Barn Cams

    We are using as our webcam host. We did something different for the set-up though. We have wireless internet in the house. The signal reaches the barn so we took an old computer and set it up ou in the empty stall next to Lucy. The web cam is hardwired to the computer. We...
  19. N

    Barn Cam Is Up!!

    During the day Lucy can come and go from her stall as she pleases. She and Fiona chat by the gate all day ans they much a little hay. We're trying a baby monitor tonight or tomorrow so that we can hear her if/when she gets restless when she starts her labor. Might be too staticy but we'll...