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Miniature Horse Talk Forums

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  1. graceview

    Critique Please

    Hi Heather. I think he is a lovely colour. Best of luck with him.
  2. graceview


    Or should it be something reflecting the zero bank balance after spending it all on her? "Little miss big spender"?
  3. graceview

    A new colt born at CJMM Miniatures

    The colt is lovely... i have a soft spot for bays! The collage is lovely. You should be very proud.
  4. graceview

    Pic of my horses on Equusite tomorrow!

    That is such a great pic! well done.
  5. graceview

    New to Forum

    Hi All, It seems like such a friendly forum. Im from Australia too. There are only a few mini specific sites that you can chat on in Australia so i guess we come over to you guys! i have noticed a few people i know on the forum. I have a yearling colt who is an Australian Miniature Pony- same...
  6. graceview

    Remember that pile of Fall Leaves you played in as a child?

    Very Cute. You came back out at the right time.