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  1. D

    Baby Bunnies

    Too cute.
  2. D

    We have the first kitten!!!!!

    aww, thanks for sharing!
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    Does anyone here board their own mini (or offer boarding)? If so, then how much do you pay for what kind of board? I'm debating whether relocating with my little mare will be possible without leasing or purchasing another horse friendly lot of my own. Boarding for the big guys is wiping me...
  4. D

    My Art

    Well I'm impressed. Just beautiful. I'm in love with the first one.
  5. D

    Things you can do with your mini

    What a cool thing to have nearby! I would just love it! Oh and thanks for the link!
  6. D

    Opinions needed for the best kind of small breed dog

    I absolutely love the kind Charles Spaniels, great, loving, beautiful little dogs. I've met some yappy ones, but I'd like to blame the owners. Havanese are great dogs as well, super cuddly . My suggestion would be a toy or miniature poodle though. AWESOME little dogs, the smartest small dog...
  7. D

    Post where your at- State or Country

    Austin, TX. But relocating in May. Somewhere. Ocala? Somewhere horse friendly.
  8. D

    I'm So EXCITED!!!!

    Congrats!!! How exciting. She's beautiful.
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    Vet offered...

    How exciting! It is so difficult to find vets comfortable with mini broodmares. I have to drive quite a ways for an US. My regular vet just holds up his big hands whenever I prod him to give palpitation a shot and laughs at me! :DOH! So an hour away we go. I'll have to suggest the probe...
  10. D

    quilt wall hanging finished today

    wow. That's beautiful! Awesome job.
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    After a rough start, Scarlet is growing up!

    Ridiculously adorable. Looks like she's quickly turning into one beautiful filly!
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    Happy Birthday Nicole

    Have a good one!
  13. D

    Hello! New Here!

  14. D

    What is this?

    It does look fungal, and if so, be careful brushing, you can spread it! (or reinfect once you finally get it cleared away.) Ick. I always make sure to bleach everything once I rid myself of one of these things, and try to isolate it to THAT horse if possible. Anyway, as already suggested, an...
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    Harness Storage

    that's a great idea! In fact, I think I'm dedicating an old overnight bag until I find a better solution. (I'm an organization freak sometimes) Any thoughts I do like the price
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    My new webstite!

  17. D

    Harness Storage

    How do you keep your harness organized and dust free? Any great harness bag recommendations? Your own creations? Currently my beautiful little first harness is tossed quite unceremoniously into a large plastic bin, along with a few sets of side reins and a halter or two.
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    Anyone else knit?

    I do! I love the cabled sweater. It looks so comfy too! Good job.
  19. D

    She foaled! She foaled! She foaled!

    Awww, what a beautiful little furball! So many fillies, wow. Congrats!
  20. D

    had our first foal of the year!!!!

    I suspect she'll whiten up tremendously. Look at those beautiful little legs! Maybe she'll be grey? Either way, how absolutely adorable! Congratulations!