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  1. W

    Just curious.

    I've put this up before but I always love sharing pics of the Three Amigos-Spirit and his two pals Ding and Ling. The are always together...even when they occasionally escape and run in the big pasture.... :o And here they are playing during the summer..I always like the green pasture pics...
  2. W

    Snow pics

    They look like they are having so much fun!! I sure hope we get some snow here in North Carolina this year. We didn't have anything last year. Unfortunately we usually get ICE which is terrible for us horse people! Thanks for sharing!!
  3. W

    Just a cute Picture....nothing fancy

    ***Well don't let this cute and cuddley picture fool you. I too thought they were innocent little animals until they busted out last night and made a break for it. I think Ding and Ling were the culprits. They stick their heads through the gate and had apparently worked the latch loose...
  4. W

    Just a cute Picture....nothing fancy

    Went out to check the grill this evening and saw Spirit laying with Ding and Ling. They were so cute!! Just wanted to share. Not sure if her thinks he's a goat or they think they're horses! Thanks for looking.
  5. W

    Mia and her horses

    Great pictures. I know she had a blast. Its always a treat to see your child showing. Thanks for sharing.
  6. W

    What strange things do your horses eat??

    All my "children" big and small are addicted to peppermints. They look for them after every meal and also know if they do well while they work they will get them as rewards. I agree the wrappers are great for getting ears up!
  7. W

    Futurity--what does it mean

    :new_shocked: .....thanks for the explination--i'm still learning these classes and it always helps when you know what the heck kind of class you are looking at!
  8. W

    Futurity--what does it mean

    Okay I am having a blonde moment. I have been checking the Nationals class list just to see how people are doing and I have a questions. Could someone please explain the Futurity classes and how are they different from the other "open" classes. I know it involves receiving $$ but is that the...
  9. W

    My Results from Nationals

    :aktion033: Way to go Aubrey! We are so excited for you! Jodi and Tanner
  10. W

    Riding in cars with Minis is the weekend update for me and Spirit. Looks like I'm gonna have to invest in a small trailer. I knew but the way my vehicle did in the back it wouldn't work to put him in the very back so we tried to take the back seats out and put him behind the front seats. We had made a ramp...
  11. W

    Riding in cars with Minis

    Well I think we may try a practice run this weekend. Just to see what he thinks. (As a side note, we always have the big trailer if we need it but just looking for something a little more practical : ). If it all works out I've already checked into those nice lightweight dog ramps and cage...
  12. W

    Riding in cars with Minis

    Fantastic.....Thanks for the pics. Deacon looks very excited! The ramp idea i think will work great. Thanks so much for all the input. I think I can make this work! Then hopefully me, Tanner (daughter) and Spirit can burn up the highway and leave the unnecessary husband at home!!! :aktion033:
  13. W

    Riding in cars with Minis

    Yes...that pic is exactly what I am talking about. My boy is very laid back so I don't think he would spook I guess the big probem would be getting him in and out. I'd have to come up with a ramp. I felt kinda stupid when we pulled Spirit to the fair to show him. Didn't even look like...
  14. W

    Riding in cars with Minis

    I hope I don't regret asking this but I just don't know where else to ask so bear with me please. : I was wondering how many (if anyone) rides their mini around in theit vehicle instead of a trailer. We currently just have 1 mini and 5 large horses. Our trailer is a 16 ft gooseneck which we...
  15. W

    mini with a goat

    I posted some pics last week of my mini with his goat friends in an earlier thread. It has worked great for me. As much as I wanted another mini to put with him, at the time, we just had too many other animals so I settled for the goats. I bought them as a pair (brother and sis) when they...