Wife Swap Getting Desperate?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2005
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Fullerton, Nebraska
Here is the letter my mother received. She no longer has children in the house. Anyone else have a kennel?

Hi there!

My name is Michelle Silva, and I am a Casting Producer for ABC’s Wife Swap. I came across your website and am hoping you might be able to assist me. I am currently looking for the ultimate dog breeding family. I am a dog lover myself, and I think it’s about time for America to see how hard raising dogs is! Hollywood has turned dogs into fashion accessories—but anyone who has had a dog knows it’s a lot more work!

Families must have two parents and at least one child between the ages of 6-18 still living at home.

Any person who refers a featured family receives a $1,000 referral award.

Families selected to appear on the show receive $20,000 from ABC Television.

Wife Swap is the series where two moms switch houses for six days and live in the shoes of the other woman. It’s a great experience for any open-minded family!

If you or anyone you know have questions or are interested in applying, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you for your help in this manner.


Michelle Silva


440 9th Ave., 11th Floor

New York, NY 10001

(212) 404-1470
:saludando: Send them my way.. I wouldn't mind swapping.. Maybe the kids and hubby would appericate me more :lol: I only own 2mini's, 2 dogs, two rabbits, 2 fish,tanks and have two kids, they probably wouldn't want me.. But I know there is never a dull moment here..
i think they must be cruising the net looking for unusal settings for families LOL. I still havent talked to michelle on the phone. we keep missing each other!
[SIZE=14pt]I got one yesterday too. Unfortunately I dont have any kids left at home. Michelle said she was looking for a dog breeding family to swap with a non animal person........ I passed her on to a couple of people I know but I dont qualify.... I do love the show tho and told her so and I cant wait to see KAY on it![/SIZE]

I will tape that one for posterity!

Don't mean to be the voice of doom here..........but since you are getting these offers and inquiries over the internet, I would be very careful how I respond to them. It's possible it's some kind of new scam.

I sure hope I'm wrong. But, please be careful.
i really dont think its a scam. I was sent the application from michelle and its the exact same application thats on the wife swap web site. I think shes just been cruising internet sites looking for different and unusual families. She does outline clearly that you have to have children living at home etc. If it was a scam it would probably be wide open

with so many reality shows going on I have seen tons of ads locally looking for different people to appear.
That's good Kay. Just concerned me that maybe all contact was being made on the internet. Kinda gave me bad vibes - ya know...that little inner voice that says "ummmmm".
oh yes donna i know what you mean!!! thats why i made sure everything she sent me matched what was on the wife swap site.
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I had written them a little bit ago referring to find a Bengal Cattery!!! What a good show to see a total non-cat person stuffed into a house with cats and kittens of all ages roaming the house, kennels all over with breeder cats in them, and pregnant cats soon expected to deliver! Not to mention each cat is easily worth at LEAST a grand...so they better be treated like royalty!

Let me know if any of you see Wife Swap with a big-time cattery!

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