Just got back from the hospital again..

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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NW PA/ Ohio Border

I was at the hosptial again tonight with my son,(I think they know him by name). He was riding his 4 wheeler with a helmet on(with a mouth guard) and some how he broke off his front perm. tooth. They gave him pain med's and antibotic's till I can get him to the dentist. Only about 1/4 of it is left. He thinks he swallowed it. Does anyone know how they fix broken teeth? (I don't think there is enough left of it to work with.) And any suggestions on help keeping him confortable? The pain med's don't touch it, as all the nerves are exposed. Thanks in advance.

This is the same son that just had his first ambulance ride about 3 wks ago. I really getting grey hairs and my nerves are shot..

edited for my spelling, as I am so worried that I can't even spell my name right now..
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Hi Jodie,

Gosh, I don't have any dental answers that could help, but I will hold in prayers that his pain be lifted, and prayers of strength for you as well.


Hi Jodie,

Gosh, I don't have any dental answers that could help, but I will hold in prayers that his pain be lifted, and prayers of strength for you as well.


Thanks Tanya.. I turn to you guys here at the forum for help because I really don't have any one to talk to. Since my mom died, I don't have anyone to ask these thing too.. I just pray that he can get in to the dentist early.. I feel helpless and am worried that he is going to loose his tooth.. Thanks again..
Don't panic......

If his root of the permenent tooth is intact, a dentist will be able build on it so that it's partially his tooth and partially a false one.

Let us know how it's going.....

Yes this is going to be fixed good as new; most likely a post will be placed and the dentist will do a "build up" if at all possible. Probably depending on the damage, they will "shave" down the remaining part of the tooth and insert a post and do a build up around that if they can.

There's a good possibility that a crown will become involved, (and don't worry, it will match up the color). ("Cap" is slang for crown) and it will fit up into the post. Since it's a central, the crown will be porcelin most likely. Not to worry, he's going to have his new front tooth but it will take a little bit of time.

Do insist to the receptionist that this is an emergency as his tooth has been traumatized and infection is a possibility (which she should know) and to get your son right in to be seen. He will most likely be kept on pain meds and antiobiotics too for a while. Best wishes.
Yep, what Marty said.

Years ago, I was hit in the mouth and broke my right front incisor about a third off.


I didn't get to the dentist right away for a variety of reasons and when he did finally look, they put a "temporary" on it though they could not determine the extent of the damage. They did an impression and made a new one to put on though I did have to have a root canal later because it was cracked to the root and abscessed. I have a high tolerance for pain so it didn't bother me but needed to be adressed. However, the match in my case was not good so I would love to have it repaired when I have the extra $$ but hey I always find better ways to spend it than on something like that. *LOL*

My Dad has a similar one on his next tooth over. In one case, he had it on for almost 40 years before it needed to be replaced (it came loose). Amazing! The new ones are even better I'm told.

Sorry he got hurt, glad he was wearing his safety gear, though, I know I make my boys wear theirs, too...seems sad that even though he was wearing it he got injured. Poor guy!

I am so sorry he got hurt - (I have been to the ER more than I care to have been but with 4 boys I do beleive I will be there again) ...

Ditto to what Marty said - and yes it IS an emergency. Trauma was involved meaning there is a possibility a root canal may need to be done in the future. Depeneding on his age they will only do a temporary until he is done growing (if he is under 18) Temporary crowns can also match up in color nicely but tend to be more fragile than permanent ones- We saw this often in our office and that is the way Dr. J took care of them
If they do put him in a temp please please please make sure you go to a permanent when the time comes (may be start a small savings account to get it done because they are expensive but are so much better than the temp ones...)

Edited to add - if he does lose his tooth there are ways to fix it too with temporary bridges, flappers or partials until a bridge can be done. Often they need to put them in braces so the growing teeth don't push into the gap and ruin a beautiful smile. Again I don't know his age but just get him to the dentist today

Good luck!
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My brothre lost is whole tooth root and all years ago. He was in elementary school and he is now 27. Since he lost the root he had to have a whole new fake tooth put in. You'd never know it to look at him. He can take it out but with the way dentist's can do tings these days it can probably be pretty much permanent since my brother's accident was 20 years ago. He went face first into the road off of his bike and of course back then helmets weren't worn at all.

Good luck,

Hi again,

I'm sorry, I forgot to say he is 11yrs old. I just feel bad for the poor guy, as it seems he has had to much happen to him. I just wish the pain meds would help as they haven't. I'm waiting for the dentist to answer the phone.. I will post more when I find out. He doesn't do well with needles or pain, so today will me a tough one. Thanks for all the advise, I didn't know how they would be able to fix it.. The bad thing is the dentist is about 1 hr away... I'll keep you posted..

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