Am I crazy or is this dangerous?

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poor horse!

As for posting something negative to the youtube video-- don't worry. I uploaded something that I thought was hilarious and no harm was done but I got such horrible remarks! People were calling me a bad f-in mother and everything! (I did not take offense btw)

There are no rules to posting comments.

That video needed some comments.
Well I see it has been removed..Honestly I don't do that, I like people! I hate My Space for it's general nastiness of the posters although they probably don't mean to...the names they call themselves yuk!

So I really hesitated to post on there, and I guess I do feel bad I was so vehement . In a way,.. but I will not apologize for caring..

That was a nice animal, and nice cart and looked to be someone who should have been informed better,,but got to me in the heat of the moment. And just so you know, YES I would have said it to her in person if I was there. I can be very tactful but sometimes I'm not. I never said I was perfect.

Oh well, bet the message got through and maybe it won't happen again.

I do wish the girl and her horse a long nice relationship.

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Well, obviously I'm not going to be able to see the video (gee thanks, guys
) but I wanted to comment on the hooves-on-pavement thing. My mom always taught me not to ride on pavement faster than a walk and to be careful so my horse didn't slip. She told me about concussion and ruining their legs, and the fact that the horses themselves didn't want to trot on pavement told me she was right. On the other hand human runners go on pavement for miles with the proper shoes and do just fine. So do many driving horses. My understanding was that most movie horses were outfitted with special shoes that absorbed impact and prevented slipping and therefore most of the damage from any short-term road use was minimal.

I know if I didn't drive Kody on the roads he'd never get out and unlike my big horse he's absolutely thrilled to trot off across the asphalt as long as he's got enough foot to not be tender. I think the lighter the animal, the easier it is on their bones and joints. I wish like heck I could shoe him though since the pavement wears off hoof like nothing else.

Unfortunately the message people get when we leap on them like that is "Don't post videos on the internet," not "Don't drive your horse that way."

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I understand all that..this little guy was asked to leap into a gallop immediatly full out from a stop, and the girl had very little control, she turned around and came back the same way and couldn't stop him until she skidded around a corner leaning back and pulling with the one point she swerved in around parked cars. It was just so very wreckless and I'd almost bet if they didn't know any better then that, he most certainly didn't have any foot protection.

I was just so worried about this little horse giving it all he had for her and her putting him in a position to get hurt.

enough i'm done with this post.
I really wish I could see that video. I would have ripped that person to shreds. When people post comments, they just blow them off, because its theyere decision
I understand all one point she swerved in around parked cars. It was just so very wreckless and I'd almost bet if they didn't know any better then that, he most certainly didn't have any foot protection.

I was just so worried about this little horse giving it all he had for her and her putting him in a position to get hurt.

enough i'm done with this post.
Easy Minx, I didn't mean the video in question was okay! I was only responding to the comments there were making it seem like having movie horses on pavement was the height of cruelty. There are far worse things....

I understand all one point she swerved in around parked cars. It was just so very wreckless and I'd almost bet if they didn't know any better then that, he most certainly didn't have any foot protection.

I was just so worried about this little horse giving it all he had for her and her putting him in a position to get hurt.

enough i'm done with this post.
Easy Minx, I didn't mean the video in question was okay! I was only responding to the comments there were making it seem like having movie horses on pavement was the height of cruelty. There are far worse things....

Hey, no problem..just this week developed into a couple serious problems at home, I'm tired. I had minor surgery this past week for a cancer and probably should have just stayed off here for a bit.

Also my best friend and cousin as it turns out has a year to 18 mos to live! Cancer everywhere..thought she had pneumonia and guess what? Also I'm having cataract surgery next week..think I'm mentally tired and I apologize to yu my dear friends, if I was short.

Minx, I saw the video before it was pulled and also made a comment on it. I complimented her nice horse and told her about road founder, and said I hoped she would be kind to her little fella in the future. Maybe she learned something new from the comments. One can assume she did, based on the fact that she pulled the video. Suppose she was embarrassed about it.

Also, I am very sorry to hear of your health troubles and the bad news from your best friend/cousin. I know how I'd feel if I were in your place, and it sure wouldn't be good. Sending you big hugs.
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