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  1. maestoso

    Are Flying w Farms little blue boy Bloodline good?

    Based on the pictures, your mini probably isn't going to be competitive showing in the halter classes, but I would definitely pursue the obstacles and jumping. Any given bloodline, even the best known, are going to have good and poor representatives. One couldn't say Blue Boy bred horses are...
  2. maestoso

    Color help please

    I saw her the other day... My vote is Silver Bay.
  3. maestoso

    Market for Minis (#2)

    Personally I think it would be foolish to start a breeding program for any reason other than a personal desire and passion for the miniature horse. Right now, unless you can afford the very best of the best, there is not really a market for breeding miniatures. By the time you invest in the...
  4. maestoso

    AMHR National Late Entries

    I am one who feels they should not be able to show. However, a poll on LB is not an accurate representation of how AMHR as a registry feels, just as the members and posters here are not(or even close to) an accurate representation of the members of AMHR. Several here are members, yes, but there...
  5. maestoso

    AMHR National Late Entries

    I too feel for the clients, youth, and friends involved who may not get their horses shown because they relied on someone else, however... I feel for the exhibitor who worked their butt off and met the deadlines, followed the rules, and will lose to the exhibitor who did not. If I was that...
  6. maestoso

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    Jill, it's good you know why you were there. How many people did you speak with in the long line? Were they all equally passionate about freedom of speech? Based on the interviews they actually showed on the news (sorry, didn't see your clip) I think that it's safe to say there were just as many...
  7. maestoso

    What do you think?

    I do agree with Jill here. Obviously, if you think abortion is a moral option for a woman, you can justify each circumstance as you may without sounding hypocritical. But again, there's this pocket of people who will claim that they don't agree with abortion because it's killing a life. THEN...
  8. maestoso

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    What I find interesting (and naive ) is the assumption that all, or even most, of those people are in line to celebrate free speech. The eating patterns of americans and the ease at which propaganda affects Americans would suggest that a large quantity of those people probably don't even know...
  9. maestoso

    What do you think?

    Ashley, my response to your circumstance (which so many like to bring up) is always the same. There are a billion couples out there wanting to adopt. Then the argument is always this... "You don't know what it's like to carry a baby and then have to give it up." My response again is the same...
  10. maestoso

    What do you think?

    For those of you who feel like its OK as the result of rape but not OK for unplanned pregnancies... It sounds like you are justifying your "for" or "against" circumstances as a matter of responsibility, not a matter of morality. That's completely OK. I just get annoyed when people claim that...
  11. maestoso

    What do you think?

    It was suggested that I see where this will go, and see how people feel about it. So here goes. Because of all this Chic Fil A stuff there's been a lot of hype out there, and on this forum, about same sex marriage. In a thread there, I made this comparison. "Stating that one does not support...
  12. maestoso

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    I don't know what Obama said at the time, but I have never been, nor am I now despite his recent support, a huge fan of Obama. But if he said at the time that gays should not be allowed to marry, then yes, he absolutely was saying that they are inferior or heterosexuals. It's kind of like...
  13. maestoso

    Conformation/ Opinions please!

    Was glad to be there Thanks for the kinds words!
  14. maestoso

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    To say that gays don't deserve the right to marry is the EXACT SAME THING as saying they should be ashamed. You can't separate the two. You take a position that you don't think there's anything wrong with being gay and then say that they don't deserve a right that straight people do.
  15. maestoso

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    I still don't know how to quote anyone here, but a recent poster did an EXCELLENT job of illustrating my point TO A TEA!!! THANK YOU You said.... "I am sure gluttony refers to something much more extreme than a meal here and there.." Ummm how are you so sure? The Bible did not come with a...
  16. maestoso

    Today (Weds, Aug. 1) is CHICK-FIL-A Day

    This response will seem somewhat disjointed... so much to respond to that I don't know where to start. Here goes... Advertisements? Yes, for a minute, Chic Fil A will be laughing all the way to the bank with the surge in profits from all of this. Let's think long-term however. His surge in...
  17. maestoso

    Conformation/ Opinions please!

    I've always liked his head and tiny little ears. having seen his neck in person I don't think it is thick at all. It is an appropriate length for his body and is "clean." Overall he is a well balanced horse. Where I would fault him is his front end. His shoulder is a little steep and his neck...
  18. maestoso

    The Death Penalty, Euthanasia and PAS

    I would do what is right for my animals, and in some cases that means euthanasia...I'm thankful not to be in a position to have to decide if the death penalty is ethical, and even more thankful never having been in a position where a family member or friend was asking for death...
  19. maestoso

    Thinking about buying a gelding

    AMHA offers gelding incentive programs that give you the chance to earn money back on showing at the world show. You could also consider buying something futurity nominated with either registry for the chance to earn money, or tap into the Kentucky Incentive program which offers substantial pay...
  20. maestoso


    Interestingly enough, we all have the choice of weather we show in either or both registries. The solution is easy. If you don't like what AMHA is doing, stop supporting them by registering your horses, showing at their shows, and paying your membership fees. The same could be said for AMHR. To...