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  1. T


    I may be somewhat pessismistic, but I do not think the economy is getting better. Every day, analysts fear the credit system is closer to collapsing, especially given that the billions that the government loaned out are not being used how the government intended. Banks are still refusing to...
  2. T

    Can the White House be bought?

    Nobody thought it was obscene when their candidate was winning. Presidential races have always been about money spending, and the only side that attacks the issue is the side thats losing (McCain) or the ones who are under fire for improperly managing their money (Hilary Clinton). I guess since...
  3. T

    Obama wants you to take election day off

    It was simply a retort to Obama being out of touch with people that work an 8 to 5. All politicians are out of touch with people that work 8 to 5, and I was simply adding my two cents. Horrible of me, I know, to not let Obama get slammed without inserting a word or two about McCain.
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    Can anyone answer the questions

    Theres my responses. Most of these were opinion questions, so I have no doubt I'll be bashed for them. But I will always provide sources for fact checking when available.
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    Obama wants you to take election day off

    I waited in line for 4 hours during PRIMARIES, and I ended up having to take a provisional ballot anyway. I have no idea how long it will take me to wait through it on the actual election day. And our state only allows 2 hours off. Its an important day. One day off every four years to determine...
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    Can anyone answer the questions

    I'm posting here, honestly wanting to know some questions. Everyone can take the time to post 2 paragraphs of ranting about this, but no one can post a couple questions? Was this a joke thread and I just wasn't aware of it?
  7. T

    Obama wants you to take election day off

    Yes, Obama is the one out of touch with reality when McCain owns seven houses. Why the heck isnt election day a national holiday, anyway? While I think Obama is silly to ask people to take it off for "his campaign" I've thought for years its a day that people should have off anyway.
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    Can anyone answer the questions

    So let me get this straight. It was important enough to make an entirely new thread about your unaswered questions but its not important enough to actually post a few? Right. Gotcha.
  9. T

    America's 'Socialist' State

    How come no one complained about Bush's trickle down economics, which are the specific epitome of socialism? And which McCain has backed 100%? What we're doing right now - bailing out huge banks and corporations - is not capitalism. A capitalistic society does not use the government for...
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    Can anyone answer the questions

    Rather than continue to string this out, post the questions so I can try to help. Thank you.
  11. T

    Some information about Obama I was sent in an email

    "he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working" You do realize he's been a State Senator since 1996, right? Which is hmmm....6 more years experience than Bush had as a governor in the most limited gubernatorial position in...
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    Can anyone answer the questions

    How about, you provide a few specific questions first?
  13. T

    I couldnt resist POLITCAL funny

    I find it hilarious that everyone on the right FREAKED OUT over Edwards having a 400 dollar haircut, but palin can spend 150K, plus her makeup artist is the HIGHEST PAID PERSON ON THE MCCAIN CAMPAIGN SALARY. Not his senior advisors, not hte people who, you know, talk to him about important...
  14. T

    Do any of you get the feeling there is no point to vote?

    Its hilarious that I used to see these exact same arguments against Bush, Kerry, and Gore in 2000 and 2004. Especially given that Bush didnt win the popular vote, only the electoral (for the first time in history), I find it amusing people think the media didn't help him. Its also amusing that...