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  1. S

    Gracie's Mini Mommas' To Be Page- All done foaling! Five Healthy Foals!!

    So here we go. SInce we do not have high speed service(only a wireless card) I can not add a live web cam, so I will have to use pictures instead. We have 5 mini mares dues to foal beginning with a 340 Due Date on April 25th until the last one due June 1. They are all bred to our AMHA 30.5" bay...
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    New to this Forum- Expecting 5 foals

    Hi Everyone! I have been on the Main Mini Forum and was invited to step on over here since my daughter and I are expecting 5 mini foals this year. I think many of you are familiar with our story fro last year but long story short.... 2011 was our first year expecting miniature horse foals. I...
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    Belly clipped my two pregnant mares and one has lice- what to do???

    In 35 years of horse ownership I have never had any have lice, so this freaks me out. I belly clipped my mini mares and after I was all done and I was brushing, all f a sudden I noticed little nat looking creatures all over the body clipped areas (flank, belly and neck). I got a magnifying glass...
  4. S

    Starting to Panic a Bit- Photo added

    Most of you all know about the horrible year we had last year with our two pregnant mares (lost two foals and a mare or first year with minis). I have foaled out many large horses over 25 years and thank God have never had any major complications. Then last year, our very first year expecting...
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    Question for Mares That Foal on the Early Side

    Seeing that many mini mares can foal from 300 days on and us having two mares just over 300 days, I have a couple questions. Do these early mares typically make up like later mares? IE: bagging up, dropped belly, softening rear end, waxing, milk in, etc.... I know all these things can happen...
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    How Has You Foaling Season Been So Far? Unassisted Deliveries or Problems?

    Last year so many of our members had problems and losses with their foaling and I thought it would be good to see how everyone does this year and if it goes any better. For me we had one mini mare abort a pinto colt. She was about 2 months early. She had a pretty severe colic two days before...
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    New Equipage System installed- Questions

    We just installed our new Equipage System and tested the units. Very simply done and tested great, even far away. My question is, we brought up the two mares that are now 300 days and placed the halters and alarms on. I out the halters on securely (not hanging) and then placed the receivers on...
  8. S

    Ordered an Equipage System- Any advise or tips?

    After losing 2 of 2 foals our first foaling season (one abortion & one failure to get out of sac) and then already losing one to abortion this year already. I ordered the Equipage system with one additional transmitter (the system came with two in package, a special right now). We are still...
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    One more loss, mare aborted

    I can not believe our luck. My daughter lost a mare & foal last year and then lost another foal last year (the only two she was expecting and her first year expecting foals). Now a mare just aborted at 8.5 months pregnant. She coliced 2 nights ago and we had the vet out and she was oiled and...
  10. S

    Just got The Journal in the mail

    I just got The Journal in the mail and am disgusted and appalled at what AMHR allows as far as shoes on these "over" ponies! One photo in particular of a Champion at Congress looked like his hooves were built up to the same length of his cannon bone. This is just wrong on every level. These are...
  11. S

    Gracie & Cowgirl- an update

    Most of you guys remember the tragedies that happened this spring when my daughter Gracie lost her Mini mare and foal from severe dystocia and then her remaining bred mare foaled unexpectedly and the foal did not make it out of the sac. This was her very first year expecting mini foals. Thanks...
  12. S

    Online Mini Horse Auctions- Your thoughts?

    I was looking at the current mini horse auctions running right now and see that for the most part, horses with reserves are either not bid on or no where near their reserve prices. And many that were listed as NO reserves, after a few were bid on very low, the majority of others that had no...
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    How long do you keep teasing after LBD and other breeding questions

    I am curious to how long you all keep teasing after the last breeding date of a mare that is not coming in to heat again, if you do not confirm the pregnancy with ultrasound? How many of you confirm pregnancy with a rectal ultrasound at 15 days or so? Also- where can you order mini horse...
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    Minis killed by Pit Bulls in California?

    A friend of mini contacted me and said she saw on the news this morning where pit bulls attacked and killed several miniature horses and kittens in Lincoln, Ca. Thats just down the road from me. Does anyone know about this? I tried to find something on it via the internet but am not seeing...
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    Breeding & Teasing

    After being spoiled for the past 18 years with Artificial Insemination and a vet doing the breed work/ultrasounds on my full sized horses, I am a bit rusty with live cover & teasing although I handled a breeding stallion for many years eons ago. Last year, our first year breeding mini mares, we...
  16. S

    What Should Be In A Emergency Mini Horse Vet Kit?

    With the latest topic of the Copperhead bite, what do you recommend to have in your Mini Horse Emergency Vet Kit. I have obvious stuff, like: thermometer, stethoscope, needles & syringes, suture material, skin glue, wraps, vet wrap, gauze and packing stuff, enemas, Banamine, Bute, Ace, Iodine...
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    I do believe its love

    I just happened to catch this shot today as I had been out taking pictures of one of my big horses and came by and saw this smooching going on of Gracie and her filly Cowgirl. I could not believe that Cowgirl was licking her.
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    Question- 1 month foal has hard poo

    I need mentoring- Gracie's lil 1 month old filly was going poo tonight and I noticed that she was really having to push. I went and inspected it and it was very dry, hard, dark green fecal balls about the size of a small blueberry (sorry- lol, only thing size wise I could come up with). She is...
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    Gracie's lil filly- picture

    Just wanted to post a picture of Gracie's 1 month old buckskin filly after I did a quick head and neck clip. She has so much hair we just had to see what was under there. I held her on my lap as Sandy Of Cavallini Farms (and gracious person who gave Gracie the filly) suggested. She was very...
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    From Tragedy to Blessings

    Many of you read about the losses my 11 year old daughter Gracie suffered this year with her first year of her mini mares foaling. One mare and foal were lost to dystocia and the other one foaled unexpectedly and did not make it out of the sac. She was left with just two mini mares and no foal...