Biblically Hostile

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All I have left to say is I have nothing but pitty for those that will not look at both sides. Those that refuse to see the The bad that someone does just because they may have done some good. The people that defend tooth and nail, someone that only has their (themselves) best intrest in mind. I am so, so, very sorry for those people.
I hope that some of you realize how you are portraying yourselves here and it's sure not a pretty picture. If I didn't know any better I would think young kids had hijacked their parent,s identity.
I think Danielle is probably referring to the shallow arguments that appear to be based on bumper stickers and YouTube videos. Maybe some more research went into these opinions, but if so, that information isn’t being presented. Either those posting this "evidence" think that "we" are not smart enough to understand the actual research that went into forming these very strong opinions, or no research was ever done. Bumper Stickers, Chain Emails, you tube videos, random racial attacks; they all seem like stereotypical childish behavior.
I don't know how posting a YouTube of Obama giving a campaign speech is childish or biased, but whatever.
I guess Obama and his own words are childish? Or we are childish to point out what Obama in his own words has told us? What's that saying? When someone tells you they're a snake, believe them? I do. Obama's own words, actions and friendships show anyone who's willing to see exactly who and what he is.
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I am not sure if everything posted on this topic would be considered childish, but my opinion is alot of it is. But now that you bring up the campaign video posted, yes I would consider that childish and not a "valuable" addition to teaching or learning about politics. It is simply, "well he hit me first". Not to sound like a parent dealing with children, "I don't care who hit who first, you both should know better." I definitly would also consider, "whatever", a typical childish response.
There was conversation earlier regarding if a pres is responsible for gas prices so I was just showing others who may not have seen that Obama does believe the president is responsible, based on failed energy policies. I always find it amusing how some people on this board come in with nothing of value to add other than insults to others. So ya 'whatever'
I have probably started about 10 responses to these "political posts" Sonya, and every time I do, I realize it is often like fighting with children and that when a good point is made it is often completely ignored and the topic is just shifted. Therefore when Danielle posted her concern it really hit home and I chose to reply. It was not to personally attack, but to shine a light on why these political posts, and for that matter, most all political discussions, end up a childish fight with no actual conversation about the issues.

When it comes to pointless personal attacks with no value, that is what this entire post STARTED AS, along with about 10 other random posts in the last month or so. They all have been voicing ONE single side, and REFUSING to give any credit to the other side. They are never meant to actually start discussion with anyone who disagrees or valuable debate, they are put out there to work us all up and their tone has been pretty much been, "go ahead, disagree with me, I dare you". I am sorry, it is childish and should not be considered valuable in any way.

Lastly, whatever you have to say, I will always listen and respond. I don't mind people disagreeing with me and value my freedom to defend myself. For me, "whatever", is not an option.
With you, Sonya. I don't get the argument at all. What a key person says / said is exceedingly relevant to a discussion about a situation. I swear, sometimes I think there are resident liberal trolls trying to wear conservative clothes. But, yeah oh yeah "whatever". Too bad insight and common sense aren't contagious.
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I don't disagree Jill that what someone says should weight in peoples opinion of them. But the fight that, "well he did it too", is childish and not solving anything. That is a waste of time. If we are all agreeing that the president has no control over gas prices than why can't we just say that? It is distracting people from actually talking about the issues.

I am sorry, but calling me a troll, with no insight and no commen sense is about as personal as it gets. It is definitly much more personal than saying someones argument seems childish. I have had no problem speaking my views. I fully agree that "we" as a country, possibly as human beings, do not have the moral integrity as a whole, to sustain an economy or country without capitalism. The vast majority are motivated by money and greed, the poor and rich alike would take advantage of the situation and it would be a disaster. I HATE being forced to define myself, but if forced, I am far more conservative than liberal.
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Ya know, the majority of my friends are liberal because they are who I work with and spend the majority of my time with....we can debate and disagree until we are blue in the face (and maybe even some name calling) but at the end of the day, we are still friends...people on this board can not seperate that for some reason....I have seen folks say they would refuse to purchase a mini from a certain breeder or recommend them because of their passionate political views, that is childish. So yes I tend to say 'whatever' when people make things personal like calling me or others 'childish' for posting a video that we feel is relevant to the conversation....if I didn't have that attitude then I suppose I would lash out and call you a pot stirrer, but I don't operate that way. ;)
I am not sure about what private conversations are going on, but the idea of that there are members of the board that would not deal with or recomend someones horses because of political views is concerning. If it is happening, then those are not people that I deal with privately or would care too. For me I do not connect the two and honestly have no personal problem with anyone because of a different politcal view.

For me, "well he said it first", is a childish argument, and I don't mind someone coming right out and stating that opinion. It is a tactic to avoid and distract, it in no way deals with the issue at hand, weather or not the statement is correct. I would consider it a weak argument and would even say, childish. Now did I come out and attack you on here? No, someone else called some behavior childish. You asked WHAT?!. I ventured a guess, if I had to find something childish, that would fit the description, and explained why. I gave you the respect to always explain my thought process, and I got, "whatever". I don't consider that any more mature. Just as saying that you would insult me, but you "don't operate that way", is childish. You are getting all the personal satisfaction of insulting me, while still claiming to be to above me to stoop that low.
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James I didnt ask 'what' to Danielles post. I only asked why it was childish toyou to post a youtube of Obamas campaign speech regarding why gas prices were so need to make sure who you are responding to before you press enter.
I do genuinely apologize Sonya if my words sound more personally attacking than they are meant too. I honestly do not mean them in that manner at all and can understand that the combination of politics and online discussions can make it hard to understand someone’s tone or intent. I stand behind my opinion of your video post, but realize that my insight may have been better received in direct response to your video, not used in a way to "team up" against you or general "childish behavior."

I love these political topics and the opportunity we all have to learn and see others view points. I do get very worked up though when what could be good conversation seems to get lost and wasted by poor debate tactics. I agree that coming on here and just calling people childish is not the right way to go about it. I think that is just as wrong as the issues I had with your Video being posted. That is the reason I didn’t just come on and say, "Go Danielle!". I tried to explain were the view was coming from in a complete unbiased manner. In all honesty, I think unless we are conversing with full respect for one another and holding our own arguments to ridiculously high standers, then we lose the entire value of the topic.

We were obviously posting at the same time Sonya.

I am sorry that I misspoke. I think this is a good example though. If you remove were I misspoke from my last post. Does it change the other 99% of what I said? I don't mean that to be smart. I think this sort of shines light on the problem. I made a mistake, that made no difference to the legitimacy of my argument, but the rest is 100% ignored due to it. I understand that is unfortunately often how the world works. But I think if we want to have truly honest conversations, where we are interested in what each other is saying, treating it as a possibility to learn and benefit from others opinions, maybe even change our own, we need to expect more from ourselves and each other.
You're right, Sonya
- it is funny in an ironic way - as most political stands are... but he - or any President - cannot really accept responsibility for gas prices. Even if they release some of the reserve, the ultimate price is nothing they are able to control... but whatever party is not in the White House hopes that voters are not bright enough to figure that out.... it is just one big game for politicians.

And then when interviews or statements are sliced and diced and edited and different meanings slapped on them by the media, the Game gets more and more twisted.
Uh, that's not what we all heard from the Bush haters. Apparently the war is all about oil and had nothing to do with anything else. Bush was blamed heavily for gas prices when they were a heck of a lot more reasonable than they are now. It's amazing how one can dish it out (about Bush) but they can't take it (about Obama). Gas affects more than people driving back and forth to work? Certainly. People who work, period. Who cares what they drive or what machinery they use, it all needs energy of some sort.
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