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  1. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    We are getting there! Going to be starting the sleepless nights here very soon. She will be 343 days along tomorrow. Her pH is dropping pretty quick all of a sudden. I'm thinking maybe around the weekend 🤔 though she could still be holding on even longer lol Her pH 2 days ago was still showing...
  2. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    Took a photo of her bags at dinner time and then another before going to bed and this is how much they've changed 🤔 hopefully they stay like this and she stops with the deflating😂
  3. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    335 days today! Got some interesting changes 🤔 I can definitely say how she was last foal vs this one is very different. She's had fluid from her udders for about 20 days now but still barely any filling of the udder. Still clear/amber. pH is still testing about the same somewhere around 7.4...
  4. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    Still nothing :( though we do have some odd changes. I was just about to post an update.
  5. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    I will try to remember to keep posting on this thread about Pearl's changes and incoming baby! That way I'm not making a ton of random new threads! Lol. Here is her doing a morning roll. You can zoom in and get a bit of a better look at her bag size in the photo too!
  6. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    Pearl is nearing 330 days! I've been studying photos from last foal and comparing them to this incoming foal. Pearl did not fully bag up till about 3 days before foaling last time. It seems likely she will do the same this time around. I've started pH testing her and here are the results from...
  7. ShanesPonies

    How long you thinkin?

    So I made a post a few days ago about Pearl having some questionable discharge and thankfully it has all cleared up! Today while I was checking her over I noticed what looked like a small wax plug. I grabbed my phone to take a better look thinking it could be dirt but nope! It was indeed a...
  8. ShanesPonies

    Help! What is this? Is it bad?

    There is no blood. And yes she was confirmed in foal last year before we brought her back from the stud. She should be about 310 days along and we are still seeing baby movement.
  9. ShanesPonies

    Help! What is this? Is it bad?

    Hello again! So Pearl is about 310 days along now! I can't remember if I announced in an older post or not but Tilly is 100% not prego, darn mare. Anyways Pearl is showing a lot of signs of possibly coming a bit early besides having any udder development. Last time she had a foal with us she...
  10. ShanesPonies


    Pearl is doing good and has a fair amount of baby movement! She will be in the safe zone of 300 days at April 11th but shouldn't foal hopefully till May 6th which is 320 days. To me she seams pretty done with it and may foal early. Tilly is very questionable still. I personally am sure she is...
  11. ShanesPonies

    Stall Cameras?

    What brand of Camera system do you use? If you don't mind me asking 😁
  12. ShanesPonies

    Stall Cameras?

    Maybe? Does the cable hook up to a computer or anything for viewing?
  13. ShanesPonies

    Stall Cameras?

    Hello! Our foals are due soon and we are wanting to set up a camera this year in the foaling stall. However, sadly we do not have internet and it seems most these cameras require internet and a monthly subscription. Do you guys know of any cameras that do not require wifi, could run off of...
  14. ShanesPonies

    Id like some help finding this mare!

    It was that! My mother just got ahold of the stud owner and she was able to look for us. Unfortunately whoever owns the filly now never transfered her into their name. It is listed as the last person we had talked to. Darn :(
  15. ShanesPonies

    Id like some help finding this mare!

    Hello again! I got a question for some of you pony people! My mother and I unfortunately do not have a membership with AMHA. (We are trying to focus more with shetlands so my mother only has an account with ASPC) We are trying to find the whereabouts of a filly out of our new mare. We like to...
  16. ShanesPonies

    What is a good age to start showing a foal???

    Hiya! We are due to hopefully be having 2 foals this year in May and June. Me and my mother are just getting started in showing. One mare is ASPC and the other is doubled on ASPC and AMHA. We'd like to show the foals as weanlings but it seems they would be too young to hit most of the shows this...
  17. ShanesPonies

    Is she prego?

    Here is a photo of Tilly right after getting her back from the stud for comparison 😁
  18. ShanesPonies

    Is she prego?

    Hiya! I put up a post the other day with a couple questions but the one I was most interested in never got answered. It may of been from too long of a post lol. I was wondering if you all think Tilly may be prego, unfortunately just by looking at the photos. If she is bred she would be just...
  19. ShanesPonies

    Anyone expecting a foal for 2024?

    We are hopefully have 2! One mare is definitely prego and the second checked out of foal but very likely could be prego as she has checked out of foal before and seemed very not pregnant all to pop out a baby lol
  20. ShanesPonies

    Prego Watch!

    Long post incoming!!! It's that time of year again! If you remember seeing my questions back in 2022 you should remember Pearl (Ondine Black Pearl)😁 We had gotten her from Miniture Ventures and with a possible breeding. But no one knew when she was bred and if she actually was. Luckily enough...